Games coming out in April 2021

So March wasn’t quite as busy post-wise as I was expecting, but that’s largely because some of these games took me a while to go through. I’m in the process of writing 2 reviews right now, for Cathedral and Bravely Default 2.

And I have some other stuff planned. I’m getting started on Monster Hunter Rise which is my first full-on try at an MH game (so the review will be from the perspective of a newb), I have some other games that recently came out I want to get (Kaze and the Wild Masks, Ghost ‘n Goblins Resurrection, a Record of Lodoss War metroidvania (might have to watch the anime too, I missed that one back in the day)… maybe some other stuff), there’s some older games I started playing (such as BPM and Remnant and Creature in the Well), there’s new games I want coming out in April… and I want to make every console fanboy mad so I am planning a series of posts about last-gen. Specifically the main post will be about the great games that came out in the generation, and I’m hoping to do 3 side-posts about why all the consoles sucked (the PS4 one is particularly spicy because people think that’s a good console for some reason).

So ANYWAYS, I need to stop talking about the blog for a second and actually to get to the real meat and potatoes of the post. April is in a few days and I need to do the monthly list of games coming out.

We’ve got: *12* multiplats, 2 Switch games, 1 PS5 game (whoa!) and a PC game. There’s several in there that I’m getting, just in case my current game list wasn’t big enough already.


Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, small interesting ones I may notice and such. And of course I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

Multiplatform releases

Outriders 04/01 (PC, PS4, Xbone, Xbox X/S, PS5)

I was interested in this one at first because it’s by the devs of Bulletstorm. That was literally all we knew for a bit. It’s an RPG-ish third-person shooter, loot-based, and there’s several classes to choose from which will change your gameplay style (even how you heal your HP is different between classes). The demo… seemed to have some interesting ideas… but it’s garbage because it’s reliant on a cover system, which is the most anti-gameplay thing you can do in an action game. Pretty boring overall, unfortunately.

Oddworld Soulstorm 04/06 (PC, PS4, PS5)

It’s a new Oddworld. Seems to play like Abe’s Odyssey, but it seems pretty action-packed. Looks pretty interesting. I’ve never actually played one of these, so I don’t think I’ll jump into this one.

Star Wars: Republic Commando 04/06 (Switch, PS4)

This is a Star Wars FPS that looks… fine? I’ve never played it, nor heard much about it back when it originally came out on the original xbox. I’m sure some people are excited to play this again.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV 04/09 (Switch, PC)

This came out on PS4 late last year. I have yet to play any of the “Trails” games and it’s probably not a great idea to start on the seventh game in the series. I’m sure it’s something I’d like, this Dragon Slayer subseries has just always gone under the radar for me.

Poison Control 04/13 (Switch, PS4)

NIS comes in with a… really weird-looking action shooter game, where you both shoot stuff and also have to purify patches of poison (with a Qix-like system) which seems to have effects in combat. I think not a lot of people will pay much attention to this one, but it looks interesting. I like wacky games like this that are probably not amazing but have pretty unique mechanics.

SaGa Frontier Remastered 04/15 (Switch, PC, PS4)

I have not played SaGa Frontier back on PS1. It looks pretty interesting, namely because it’s a SaGa game and I’ve been enjoying some of these lately (SaGa Scarlet Grace was really good, if you want to look at a more recent one). I think this one adds a few things compared to the original as well. Looks good, gonna get it.

MLB The Show 21 04/20 (PS4, Xbone, Xbox X/S, PS5)

So this is apparently a big deal that MLB The Show is no longer playstation exclusive. I don’t get it, it’s just a normal boring realistic baseball game. If I were to play a baseball game I’d just grab the latest version of Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu… followed by wondering why I did that. Baseball sucks, unless it’s anime.

Smelter 04/22 (Switch, PC, PS4, Xbone)

This is a side-scrolling platformer, but sometimes it’s also a strategy game of sorts. Kinda reminds me of Actraiser but it seems faster paced in both gameplay styles. I just saw the one trailer and it looks pretty damn good. No idea how I never heard of this before.

Atelier Mysterious Trilogy Deluxe Pack 04/22 (Switch, PC, PS4)

This is a pack with Atelier Firis, Atelier Sophie and Atelier Lydie & Suelle. I’ve only played Lydie & Suelle from these, but the Atelier games are always good. It’s definitely worth getting Atelier games if you haven’t before (and if you have, you know if you like them). Any of them. Just grab one at random, it’s fine.

Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139… 04/23 (PC, PS4, Xbone)

I liked Nier Automata a lot. We kinda didn’t get the original Nier Replicant. Instead we got “Nier”, which was actually Nier Gestalt, a partner game of sorts to Nier Replicant (from what I understand). I don’t really know what the difference was (I know the main character is older in Gestalt). I played “Nier” when it came out here, it didn’t really click with me at the time. After enjoying Automata, I think I need to give this another chance.

Judgment 04/23 (PS5, Xbox X/S)

This is a Yakuza spin-off, and a remaster of a PS4 game. I have not looked into this one at all before. I did find graphic comparisons between the PS5 and PS4 version, and somehow the PS4 version looks better. Weird, could be bad comparisons or something. At least the PS5 version has better framerate.

R-Type Final 2 04/30 (Switch, PC, PS4, Xbone, Xbox X/S)

R-Type is good. Not sure why they called the previous one “Final” if they were gonna make a sequel to it, but hey, this looks as solid as ever for the series.

Switch releases

Death end re;Quest 04/27

I played both games in this series last year and reviewed them, largely favorably. I was really curious at the time as to why the Switch didn’t have these games… so there they are, fun. It’s a unique RPG where battles have you knocking enemies around like beyblades bouncing across the battlefield, it’s a bit wacky but fun. I did find the first game better than the second, so I would recommend getting this.

New Pokemon Snap 04/30

People have been asking for more Pokemon Snap since literally 1999, featuring more pokemon from more gens… and it somehow never happened, until now. I’m not looking at too much info for this, but the original Snap was really entertaining. A bit short, but fun. It was (and still is) unique and it had some interesting puzzles to get some of the good pictures. I hope this includes both a lot of pokemon and more levels than the first game. It does sound from the little I heard that there’s more to the levels with branching paths and such. Should be fun.

PS5 release

Returnal 04/30

Third-person shooter with a horror-like alien environment thing going on. It’s rogue-lite in some way, and the gameplay actually looks kinda fire, ngl. Looking at a few gameplay videos, there isn’t even a wiff of a cover system, instead having a dash to avoid attacks (which means the gameplay may actually be skill-based, rather than “wait behind a short wall and fall asleep” like you’d see in crap like Uncharted). This is the first PS5 exclusive that seems to be worth anything (and like the second exclusive overall). Unless I hear/see that it isn’t good, I believe this will be something I’ll actually grab on PS5 whenever I get that useless box (I’m waiting for at least 5 decent exclusives, or a big price drop).

PC release

Humankind 04/22

It’s a 4X strategy game ALA Civilization. It looks okay, it seems to have interesting ideas for how you advance to different tech levels. However the one video I actually watched for gameplay showed how broken the whole thing was. Huh. I dunno, it looks cool but it better be rebalanced by the time it comes out… however that video is from december, that’s not a lot of time to unbreak what it shows.

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