Games coming out in September 2021

Well I sure didn’t post a lot since the last release list post. NEO TWEWY just took really long. And I’m playing through Great Ace Attorney right now, I’m almost done with the first game in the pack. And I didn’t get time to play that much else though there’s a bunch of games I do have on my “must-get” list. I still gotta get Blaster Master Zero 3 and Axiom Verge 2 and No More Heroes 3… And more, less “urgent” stuff… and that’s just recent ones, there’s a bunch of older stuff I eventually want to grab. And of course September has a couple games I want. I’m definitely not running out of things to review.

So this month I’m highlighting: 19 multiplats, 6 Switch games, 1 PS5 game and 2 PC games. There’s some good stuff in there too, I’m at 3-4 games I’m getting for sure, and like 5 maybes. Definitely a decent month.

*EDIT 09/10: removed a game that is not coming out this month that searching on google still has the wrong date lol*

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, small interesting ones I may notice and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.


Kitaria Fables 09/02 (Switch, PC, PS4, Xbone, PS5, Xbox X/S)
Kitaria Fables
I think some people are kinda excited for this one. It’s basically another one of those farming games with some combat in it. Like Rune Factory with cats. I dunno, might be okay.

Big Rumble Boxing: Creed Champions 09/03 (Switch, PC, PS4, Xbone)
Big Rumble Boxing: Creed Champions
You know… The one thing that EA could make that would be hype is a new proper Fight Night game. I really liked FNR4, it’s great stuff. That’s not gonna happen though, because EA just refuses to not suck. So I was thinking… maybe if I want a decent boxing game maybe it would have to be in the form of a probably meh movie-licensed cash grab… if this is really cheap I might actually get it.

Sonic Colors Ultimate 09/07 (Switch, PC, PS4, Xbone)

A remaster of a Sonic game that’s not very good. I mean, it’s certainly better than Sonic’s worse outings like Forces, 06, Unleashed, Boom, Shadow, 4: Episode 2, Black Knight… but that’s not really saying much. I remember it having many issues with basic things in the gameplay, like the homing attack just… not working sometimes. And the bosses I remember were pretty bad. But this was a while ago at this point, maybe I should give it at another shot… maybe I will when this drops to 10$ or less. I have seen actual fans of Colors being disappointed in some aspects of this remaster, mostly visually. *EDIT: Oh wow yeah this port is trash on all platforms, not touching this ever regardless of price, fuck you*

BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites 09/09 (Switch, PC, PS4, Xbone, PS5, Xbox X/S)

This was an attempt at reviving BloodRayne in the PS3 days. I did pick this up back in the day, and probably even reviewed it on my previous site. I remember it being pretty good, it had a bit of a classic Castlevania feel with swifter combat. This version has updated visuals, new voice acting for some reason, and a shitty dumbed-down easy mode because game devs don’t believe in their game design anymore/so that game journalists can pretend they beat it.
One day I need to rant about difficulty levels.

Tales of Arise 09/10 (PC, PS4, Xbone, Xbox X/S, PS5)

New Tales! It’s been a while with the last one being 5 years ago. I’ve avoided as much info as I could about this one, but it should be good. I saw a very little bit of gameplay and didn’t notice anything that looked bad. Pretty excited for this game, will get it at launch for sure.
I do hear performance isn’t good on any of the consoles. Could be because the demo is an older version, but I’m  not taking any chances getting it on PC so I have little to worry about.

Lost in Random 09/10 (Switch, PC, PS4, Xbone)
Lost in Random
I remember this appearing in some EA presentations or something? It’s a smaller “indie” game (not actually indie because EA is publishing, of course). It’s some action adventure game with some deck-building elements… seems like it might be fun, I’ll look up some reviews.

Life is Strange: True Crap 09/10 (I dunno)
Shitballs: The Game
The main character of this stupid game has the power of SUPER EMPATHY, which she can use to unempathically fuck with people and make them do what she wants… or at least that’s the vibe I’m getting from the awful trailers for this shitty game. Maybe the devs are just as bad at making trailers as they are with making games, who knows.

Deathloop 09/14 (PC, PS5)
I haven’t looked at this one too much. It does seem to have some interesting Groundhog Day-style ideas to it, it’s an assassination-focused FPS where you have superpowers and stuff. I dunno, might be good. I’ll watch some reviews before I decide if I should get this.
Pretty surprised Microsoft agreed to let this come out on PS5, ngl. They totally could have not.

Skatebird 09/16 (Switch, PC, Xbone)
This game as delayed 2 weeks before it was supposed to come out… wonder why they waited so long to announce the delay, there’s no way they didn’t know before. So anyways, let me just copy-paste what I wrote last month.
It’s Tony Hawk, without the Tony, maybe with the hawk (I actually don’t know if there’s actually a hawk in the game, there better be). It’s skateboarding birds, pretty straightforward. It looks okay. Might grab it if it ever falls to, like, 5$.

Eastward 09/16 (Switch, PC)
This is a semi-indie game with a really nice detailed pixel aesthetic. I know very little about the actual gameplay, it seems like some top-down shooter-y puzzle solve-y… stuff. Looks possibly okay. I know people are really hyped for this one so I hope it’s good.

Aragami 2 09/17 (PC, PS4, Xbone, PS5, Xbox X/S)
Aragami 2
Aragami was this ninja stealth game with superpowers that looked pretty cool. I never ended up playing it so I don’t know if it’s good. Must have done well enough if it managed to get a sequel. One day I might play one of these.

Nexomon 09/17 (Switch, PS4, Xbone, PS5, Xbox X/S)
So there’s already a Nexomon game out on consoles (or at least Switch), Nexomon Extinction, which is the sequel to this one. So this is the first time they’re console porting the original Nexomon. It looks okay, these are basically pretty blatant Pokemon rip-off games, I’ve heard decent things about the sequel. I find it kinda weird that they’d bother with porting the first one when the sequel is already out there, but it’s there if you want it.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits 09/21 (PC, PS4, PS5)
Kena: Bridge of Spirits
This game was also delayed a couple weeks before release. Let me just copy-paste what I said last month again.
This was one of the big reveals for PS5 before that useless box came out. It was announced for PC at the same time which is good. It looks great visually, and it has some pretty cool gameplay ideas with some Pikmin-like mechanics where you order tiny creatures around (to solve puzzles), but you also have combat using magic and staff attacks (alongside the tiny creature things) that could be pretty fun. Getting this for sure, I have high hopes for this one.

Diablo II: Resurrected 09/23 (PC, Switch, PS4, Xbone, PS5, Xbox X/S)
Diablo II: Resurrected
It’s Diablo 2. A version with very slightly better graphics, shared item stashes, and censored character designs. From what I’ve seen not much has changed otherwise. I mean, it’ll be good, because it’s Diablo 2, a much better game at its core than Diablo 3. But I kinda hope my friends don’t decide to all buy it so I’d be “forced” to also buy it and play with them. This game is pretty much on my “I refuse to support Blizzard but I will do it if my friends tell me to” list.

Lost Judgment 09/24 (PS4, Xbone, Xbox X/S, PS5)

I am not super big into the Yakuza series. Not because it’s bad, of course, I just never got into it. The first one I finished was last year’s Like a Dragon, which was great. One day I will play some of the others, I swear. Judgment was a spin-off of Yakuza. No idea if it’s good. But there’s a sequel and I know people are pretty hyped for it.

Mary Skelter Finale 09/30 (Switch, PS4)
Mary Skelter Finale
Mary Skelter is this first-person dungeon-crawling RPG series, where the characters are largely named after fairy tale characters. It’s this kinda-horror-setting post-apocalyptic story where a group of people are trying to escape this creepy prison tower place. The gameplay does have some interesting aspects in the dungeon exploration with some big strong monsters sometimes appearing to chase you. This is the last game in the series (for now), which I assume takes some things from both 1 and 2 for its continuity (2 is this really weird game that is both a prequel and a sequel at the same time). I’m looking forward to this one.

Hot Wheels Unleashed 09/30 (Switch, PC, PS4, Xbone, PS5, Xbox X/S)
Hot Wheels Unleashed
This actually looks weirdly good, which is why I’m highlighting it. Saw a trailer or two, it gave me some F-Zero impressions a bit with some of the steering and boosting mechanics, and even the track designs. I dunno, it looks kinda okay, I’m legitimately surprised. Not sure I’ll get this, but look it up, it does look decent.

Melty Blood: Type Lumina 09/30 (Switch, PC, PS4, Xbone)
Melty Blood: Type Lumina
… A new Melty Blood? Okay what? That’s cool. ish. This is a bit of an unfortunate one, after looking into it. It was originally meant to be an HD remaster of the original game, but after a decade of planning and such, this ended up becoming a prequel to the original, and that means there’s fewer characters than the original. A bit of an odd one. Still, Melty Blood was a badass fighter back in the day and is probably still great by modern standards.

Astria Ascending 09/30 (Switch, PC, PS4, Xbone, PS5, Xbox X/S)
Astria Ascending
This is a turn-based RPG that does look kinda cool, with several systems to power up and the ability to have a lot of party members you can switch around. My one complaint from looking at gameplay videos though is that combat looks very slow. Attack animations just take way too long. I hope there’s a fast-forward option. And then outside of battle it’s side-scrolling platforming where the character moves almost too fast. I’m interested in this one overall.


WarioWare: Get It Together! 09/10
WarioWare: Get It Together!

I wasn’t a big WarioWare fan back when the series started. Basically I felt it was an insult to what Wario was “supposed” to be, and sadly we haven’t got a lot of “normal” Wario since WarioWare became a thing. That said, I might have just been harsh against something that wasn’t what I wanted, who knows. So I did play the demo for this, and it features really different gameplay, as you control a character in the minigame and use their unique controls and mechanics to do whatever the objective of the minigame is. So each minigame is gonna be a little different based on the character you’re using. I had some fun with the demo. So yeah, that’s a cool one, I’ll probably buy it.

Cruis’n Blast 09/14
Cruis’n Blast

I honestly had no idea the Cruis’n series was still a thing in the arcades (largely because arcades haven’t been a thing around here in over 15 years). I played a bit of these back on the N64, a bit of USA and a bit of World at a friend’s house. I remember it being decently fun. This was announced to be getting a Switch port pretty recently, and from what I’ve seen, it does actually look pretty fun, very arcade-y nonsense. Seems to have gone pretty wacky since the N64 days… I do want this one.

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom – Prince’s Edition 09/17
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom – Prince’s Edition

The first Ni no Kuni was pretty fun. The sequel I felt wasn’t quite as good, but it was still pretty okay. Worth checking out if you missed its release on other platforms.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot 09/24
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
I’ve watched a bit of this game but never picked it up. It’s one of those weird things where I look at the gameplay and I don’t quite “get” the gameplay. Like it’s an RPG but it has real time combat but there’s a lot of flying around the world finding shit for people… I’m not too sure about this one. Maybe if I have nothing else to play at some point and it drops to a nice 10$ or less, I might check it out.

Knockout Home Fitness 09/28
Knockout Home Fitness

I’ve been playing a lot of Fitness Boxing and more recently Fitness Boxing 2 on Switch (2-3 times a week for around an hour, in addition to 2 times a week where I do ~2 hours of exercise biking). They’re good stuff. This looks like a similar kind of game, with the focus not just on boxing but also other combat sports (so not just punching and dashing). I’m definitely getting this one, add some variety to my workouts. Been looking forward to it since I saw it being released in Japan as “FiNC HOME FiT” (I almost bought that version, but figured dealing with having to read japanese to know what type of punch/kick I need to throw would be a bit of an obstacle… I can read japanese, to a point, just not fast).

Darksiders III 09/30
darksiders iii

Darksiders 3 was pretty okay. I’d say not as good as the first two. It’s coming to Switch if you missed the previous release.


Death Stranding Director’s Cut 09/24
Death Stranding Director's Cut
This is 2 months in a row of a shitty game that is weirdly popular getting a director’s cut release on PS5. Weird.


Bravely Default II 09/02

This was pretty good on Switch, pretty sure I have a review for it somewhere on this site. This version will have probably better framerate, maybe slightly clearer graphics since it’ll run at a resolution, and likely not much else as far as differences. Also Denuvo, so pirates are getting the better version and paid consumers are getting screwed for no reason. Thanks game companies for continually being stupid with your awful “anti-piracy” garbage that doesn’t work.
Either way, it’s always nice to see exclusives not be exclusive anymore.

Severed Steel 09/17
Severed Steel
This is a “stylish” score-based FPS where you slow down time and do a pile of moves from slides to wall runs to wall kicks and use interesting items to increase combat options. It looks really stupid fun. It’s coming to non-PC platforms later. Definitely one I want to check out at some point.

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