Category rant

I don’t think I can play any more Sonic Frontiers

Sonic Frontiers

Sonic Frontiers

I actually have 3 other reviews that I’m writing right now, taking my time on them. In the meantime, I started playing this thing and… well, this impressions post needs to take precedence.

I had no expectations for Sonic Frontiers because the marketing has been crap but some things looked okay. But I was worried when it looked like it was going for an open world angle. Because basically every open world game is shit. But I still wanted to give this a chance because, despite most post-Genesis Sonic games being bad games, I always give him a chance. I always hold hope that, one day, Sonic will be back to his former glory. Spoilers: he’s not.

After almost 6 hours of playing this game, I think I’m done. This is not a game I want to finish playing. But I still want to talk about it, so let’s do this!

This is NOT a review, since I’m not done with the game. But I won’t be done with it, so this is the most I’m putting out about this game.

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Games coming out in November 2022

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet

Okay, October wasn’t that busy as far as reviews, and I think we’re gonna be in a moment where I have to build a backlog though because there’s lots of big long games coming out soon. I also have a post of games I played but haven’t reviewed this year, I’ll post that probably in December. I’m playing the new Mario + Rabbids game now, and both Bayonetta 3 and Star Ocean are out this week, and then November is not lacking in games I’ll play and review… The problem isn’t that I don’t have games to play, it’s that I don’t have enough time to play them and review them in a timely manner.

So November… Actually a lot of games. Some big ones too. Here I’m highlighting: 13 multiplatform releases, 4 Switch releases (5 if you’re weird) and 3 PC releases. There’s 8 of these I’m buying for sure, plus a few maybes. It’s gonna be busy.

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, some more niche stuff I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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What PCs to build in 2022

royalty free image of a gaming PC

I’m just having a bit of fun here. If you’re looking to upgrade your PC for gaming, or build one from scratch, I figured… why not give some recommendations?

I’m making a few categories here that will all be solid builds. Ultimate tryhard PCs, top gaming PC, decent mid-level PC, budget builds, non-gaming builds… a good variety. This is with all off-the-shelf parts, so nothing about custom loop water cooling or extreme overclocking or anything like that.

Let’s go!

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Nintendo Direct vs State of Play – September 13 2022

Nintendo Direct vs State of Play - September 13 2022

Nintendo Direct vs State of Play - September 13 2022

Well yesterday we got the announcement of both a new Nintendo Direct (the first big one since early February) and, a bit later, a new State of Play. Because both are on the same day, I figure… let’s make them fight.

So here I’m going to do my usual for gaming presentations. I’ll give a bit of an intro, then for each I will post my LIVE reactions with my overall thoughts afterwards… and then we’ll make them fight, see which one was better.

I’m writing this intro and the next segment before the Nintendo Direct starts, that way I currently have no idea how well either of them did.

So let’s go!
Skip to Nintendo Direct
Skip to State of Play

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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 review

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Well this was probably one of the most hyped games this year. It was meant to come out later, but I guess they finished it early so… Yeah. July it is. I actually had time off work, so this worked out.

I enjoyed the other Xenoblades, except for X which… I dunno, maybe I’d need to give it another chance. 2 is the one I prefered, didn’t actually find the gacha-like system to be all that bad even though I never did get KOS-MOS.

So let’s go, see if the series continues being good!

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“If a game’s microtransactions are only cosmetic, it’s fine”


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Should I even review Warriors games anymore?

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

I like Warriors games. I don’t get all the ones that came out because there’s too much, but one every year or two is pretty nice. Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is the latest one. I finished one of the (at least) 3 storylines. And I just don’t really feel like reviewing it. Because, in my time reviewing, I’ve reviewed many a Warriors game. And those reviews all describe the exact same base game, with pretty minor alterations. And those minor alterations… I don’t know if they’re worth reviewing.

Three Hopes is a standard Warriors game, but with the FE: Three Houses class system, a similar version of the relationship system (though the payoff isn’t quite as good as in Three Houses), and otherwise the gameplay is fairly standard Warriors with the order system FE Warriors had so your teammates can be semi-useful. The performance is definitely better than Age of Calamity though, so that’s nice. And this one doesn’t have a substantial post-game like some of the other Warriors games on Switch, instead focusing on restarting from the beginning and doing alternate stories, so it might be for you content-wise if you’re a completionist.

I think Three Hopes is a top-tier Warriors game, though objectively some of the others are probably a bit better (namely Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition has way more stuff in it).

But Musou is Musou. You don’t need reviews to know if you’ll like Musou games. If you liked previous Warriors, you’ll like this. If you didn’t, this won’t convince you otherwise. If you’re not familiar with Musou… Just get one that is licensed to something you like and try it out.

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I built a new PC!

The almost-done new PC

The almost-done new PC

GPU prices are down! I bought one! I built a new PC to put it in! It’s not fully done because Amazon is fucking stupid! But I can still talk about it quickly.

I never really talk about PC even though a lot of my reviews are for PC versions, and I tend to only talk about performance when there’s some weird things to note. Of course one thing this means for future reviews is that, well, anything I review will be on even better hardware… so if I notice anything bad, it means that lower-end systems will be VERY bad at running them.

So I want to talk about this quickly. Talk about the PC I got previously, about the PC I built now with how I decided on each component and such.

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Games coming out in July 2022

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

I did get a bunch of posts out in June, but I still have at least 2 reviews I was hoping to have out earlier, and I’m late on this post as well. Blah. But I will try to get the TMNT and Neon White reviews out very soon. And I’m playing a couple of other things, and this month isn’t empty, so there’s plenty for me to post still.

July does seem to have a decent amount of games. Actually less than June when it comes to sheer numbers, but there’s some good stuff here. Here I’m highlighting: 10 Multiplats, 4 Switch games, and 2 PC games. I’m probably getting 7 of these (and putting some in the maybe list).

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, small interesting ones I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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Nintendo Mini Partner Direct June 2022

Mini Partner Direct Showcase June 2022

Mini Partner Direct Showcase June 2022

Okay well I did say in the not-E3 posts that I would post a reaction for the Direct Nintendo would put out. I ignored the Xenoblade one because it’s dumb to spoil yourself too much on a game, but this is a bit closer to a normal Direct so… there you go.

Nintendo isn’t saving E3 this year, but hey, this might have… stuff.

I expect Dragon Quest Treasures to be shown (to what extent, who knows) since that is meant to get new info this month and there’s only a few days left, Mario + Rabbids 2 needs a release date (which got leaked by Ubisoft yesterday lol), and Bayonetta 3 has been very quiet since the trailer last year and it’s meant to be out this year still… That’s my only real predictions. The rumor mill has been going, but it always does, and it’s always wrong (even when it’s right, it’s just lucky guesses).

AS PER USUAL I am writing this intro before watching the Direct, and my reactions are written live as I’m watching it.

Let’s go I guess.

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