Category review

Gunfire Reborn review

Gunfire Reborn

Gunfire Reborn

In my Ziggurat 2 review, I noted I was gonna review another Roguelite FPS. This is one I almost tried in early access, it was pretty interesting-looking. But I try not to buy early access games, so I waited a good long while for it to come out.

Just quickly pumping this review out before I get my GotY stuff out (I want a quick “games I won’t review” kinda post, maybe another review, and of course the GotY 2021 celebration itself). Let’s go!

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Halo Infinite review

Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite

It’s Halo! It was meant to come out last year with the launch of the Xbox Series X, but it was delayed a whole year. Finally we got it.

Halo is not the series I have the most experience in. I played part of 1, part of 3, I think all of 4 and part of 5. I have zero care for the story, basically. I have enjoyed my time with Halo, but I’d generally stop playing to play other stuff. So Infinite is a rare instance of me actually beating a Halo game.

So let’s check it out! And yes this is just a review of the campaign, I don’t play multiplayer shit. I’m sure the multiplayer here is great.

And also I will take a moment to complain about Game Pass. I actually got the 1$ Game Pass thing to play this and a few other games.

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Chorus review



I’ve been pretty curious about this game since it was first shown at, I believe, the PS5 “reveal” event, it being an action-y space shooter. It looked like it could be fun. It didn’t end up getting all that much attention, and it did end up being released on everything anyways, which is good.

So let’s check it out!

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Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars review

Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars

Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars

I saw this first in a Nintendo Direct, though I think it was announced a bit before. It looked pretty interesting presentation-wise. The demo came out, it was pretty fun but a bit slow. I picked it up after playing SMTV because I figured I’d get a smaller, simpler RPG experience after the 50+ hour of difficult RPGing that was SMTV.

Also this is a Yoko Taro project, so I figured it might be somewhat interesting.

Let’s check it out!

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Ziggurat 2 impressions

Ziggurat 2

Ziggurat 2

I could call this a review, but I’m not finished with it (as far as progress), I’m just done with it (as far as wanting to play any more of it). So instead I’ll call it an impressions post.

I kinda enjoyed the first Ziggurat, it’s a game I found as I was obsessed with trying to find a really good roguelite FPS, and it was an okay one. This seemed to improve some aspects of it, so… I figured I’d check it out.

Let’s see if it’s good! I may be keeping this one short.

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Shin Megami Tensei V review

shin megami tensei v

shin megami tensei v

This is a series that has been overshadowed in recent times by a good-but-not-as-good spin-off that has way too much watching cutscenes and nowhere near enough actual “playing the game”. I will review this without comparing it to that other series, because it’s not needed. This is the main series. The existence of an inferior spin-off isn’t particularly important in this case.

SMT is one of those series that is consistently great, and I was hyped as hell when this was announced for Switch… in 2017. Yeah it took a while from announcement to release. Not quite the fifth installment in the series (since Strange Journey is also a mainline SMT game, and SMT4: Apocalypse is a sequel to 4 of course, and also there’s if… and NINE), it’s a series that has always had more of a focus on gameplay and team construction than the story, which is always a little bit barebones on the surface.

Let’s see if the wait for this game was worth it!

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Axiom Verge 2 review

axiom verge 2

axiom verge 2

The first Axiom Verge was this awesome Metroidvania, with the first Metroid having the largest influence for a lot of the game. It had lots of cool movement abilities, cool bosses, a fun map to explore. It kinda did everything well.

So when a sequel was announced, I was pretty hyped. I liked the first one, Tom Happ was obviously also making this one, clearly it should be pretty good. I saw it getting lots of negative comments in different places, but people tend to have wrong opinions about games. So they should be good, right?

Let’s go and talk about it!

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No More Heroes 3 review

No More Heroes 3

No More Heroes 3

Back in the Wii days, NMH was the shit. It was quirky, but had pretty fun gameplay to go alongside the quirkiness. After the Wii, the series went largely dormant, other than a top-down action game that I’ve heard nothing good about (and the gameplay I saw looked shit) so I didn’t play it.

So this one finally came out, People were a little bit excited for it. I was too. I just took a while to finally jump into it. So let’s talk about it! This might not be a long review.

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Reviewing the Smash Ultimate DLC characters

smash banner

smash banner

Kinda funny to be posting this right after the Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl review… I want to be clear, Smash Ultimate is very much the better game, but Nick Brawl is a cool new alternative that has a lot of potential if Nickelodeon decide to keep it going past the first game.

Well anyways, Smash Ultimate is done. We finally got the last DLC in the second and last Fighter Pass. No more speculation, no more big updates for the game (just some possible balance patches), this is the final Smash Ultimate.

I’ve done a couple Smash-related posts on the old website, mostly speculation/wishlist stuff for the DLC, alongside my review of the game. I figure, why not talk about all the DLC characters now that they’re all released.

In my mind there’s 2 important things about DLC characters in Smash specifically: what they represent (historical importance in gaming, and to Nintendo specifically), and how they play. If they’re fun to play, that’s good. If they’re also an interesting choice as far as representing something important or interesting in gaming, that’s even better. I think most of the DLC here does at least one of those, which is good.

So I will talk about those aspects of each of the 12 DLC characters.

This is all just for fun, I do think the DLC is worth getting if you’re a Smash fan either way, though it is a bit on the expensive side (I think DLC characters should be a bit cheaper than they are, I will expand on that idea later).

Let’s go!

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Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl review

nickelodeon all-star brawl

nickelodeon all-star brawl

I have no idea what happened with this universe that I’m actually reviewing this game. I’d usually  just straight up ignore this licensed rip-off kinda deal. But this game, it got my attention.

And I wasn’t the only one, as it got the attention of the competitive Smash fanbase in a pretty big way, and the Smash fanbase overall. The moment it got peoples’ attention is when the dev was revealed to be Ludosity, who previously made Slap City, a Smash clone that I hear is pretty okay, but also with the gameplay demos (including in-depth moveset showcases for all the characters) we were shown a game that looked way better than you may expect from something like this. As in, it actually looked good.

So yeah… let’s talk about this one! I don’t think it will be a super long review, but we’ll see.

*EDIT: As I was writing this review a patch came out for the game and I didn’t notice, it does fix some things I mention, mostly as far as character balance*

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