Category review

NEO: The World Ends with You review

NEO The World Ends With You

NEO The World Ends With You

So The World Ends with You was this pretty good DS game. I remember liking it. I remember exactly nothing about it though because it’s been so long since I’ve played it, and I never replayed it. It was 14 years ago, pretty long time to wait to make a direct sequel, but there you go.

So there was a big pause in-between posts because… this game is fucking long. And I wanted to finish it before I reviewed it, and… yeah I’m not happy about actually doing that.

Let’s talk about why I didn’t like this đŸ˜€

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Ys IX: Monstrum Nox review

Ys IX Monstrum Nox

Ys IX Monstrum Nox

I haven’t played every game in the Ys series, but I did get to a few and I hope to play more. Ys is always an interesting series because they’re fairly standalone so the fact that it’s a sequel doesn’t really matter. All you need to know is that Adol is an adventurer who gets into some wacky world-ending shenanigans wherever he goes. I had a lot of fun with Ys 8, so I was pretty excited for more of it.

Let’s gooooooo!

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Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin review

Monster Hunter Storiesâ„¢ 2: Wings of Ruin

Monster Hunter Storiesâ„¢ 2: Wings of Ruin

I’m a very new MH fan. I didn’t really get into the series before Rise. I tried a few (mainly on PSP) and it just didn’t click with me at the time. But Rise really got my attention and I loved it. But as such, I missed the first Monster Hunter Stories on 3DS.

But I saw a bunch of this game (Capcom was REALLY pushing this game a lot) and it looked really fun. So I picked it up. And I played through it and started the post-game. So time to review it I guess. Spoilers: I like this game.

Let’s gooooooo!

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Disgaea 6 review

disgaea 6

disgaea 6

I’ve been a Disgaea fan since the first one on PS2, and it was also my intro to Nippon Ichi Software as a whole. Been a fan of the company since, though they have been a bit disappointing of late with some of their titles (like The Princess Guide and Lapis X Labyrinth), or releasing merely “okay” level games (like Void Terrarium and Mad Rad Dead). And there’s a few of their recent games I missed like Poison Control (I want to check that one out but other games took priority). They have released some REALLY good stuff recently-ish though, such as Labyrinth of Refrain (and that’s got a sequel that will hopefully get localized… but it didn’t come out on Switch for some reason, so who knows if they’ll even bother).

Disgaea 6 marks a whole 6 years since the last entry in the series, with the series being in port-hell in-between (Disgaea getting a bunch of ports is normal, but usually there’d be main games a bit faster). The usual gap between Disgaea releases has been 2-3 years, so this was particularly long. So I was pretty hyped to finally get more Disgaea.

Well without further ado, let’s talk about the lastest game in the series!

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Scarlet Nexus review

Scarlet Nexus

Scarlet Nexus

I like my animu weeb BS. And seeing some gameplay for this, clearly I was in for all sorts of animu BS. I skipped the demo but watched a few people play it, it looked fine. So I picked it up!

I also didn’t really try watching the anime… I figure that, since I’m playing the game, there’s no reason to watch the anime. Watched a few seconds and figured I wasn’t getting anything from it that I didn’t get from the game already.

Anyways, let’s see if it’s good!

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Roguebook review



I was pretty interested in this game when I first noticed it, for a pretty simple reason. This is made by Richard Garfield, designer of great board games like King of Tokyo, Robo Rally, Netrunner, and a little-known project called Magic: The Gathering. I figured his involvement in a card-based video game would be pretty cool. Otherwise the game looked pretty interesting, and after pre-ordering I could download the demo, which was interesting enough but I hoped the full game would go a bit deeper.

So let’s go and see if it’s good!

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I’m not reviewing Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster

Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD

Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD

I WAS going to review this. I just finished it. It’s really really good and I do absolutely recommend this game if you haven’t played it before. It holds up super well, though I will say it’s easier than people give it credit for as long as you strategize. But I’m not gonna review it.

Why I’m not reviewing it is pretty simple… I’ll be reviewing SMTV this year and I feel the reviews would be very similar in content since the gameplay seems pretty similar. So I’m holding off. I’ll exclaim my love of SMT franchise then.

Simple enough. The game is good. I recommend getting it at some point. No need for a full post!

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E3 2021 review

E3 2021

Well E3 2021 is done. It mostly sucked. There’s one part that didn’t.

So time to rant about E3 as a whole! There’s not even that much to talk about here, but I think I can use that fact as a platform to talk about stuff anyways.

I’ll be grading each presentation, and talking about what bothered me about them and maybe get to the core of WHY all these presentations suck.

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Summer Game Fest kickoff stream reactions

’tis the season of the E3. There’s a LOT of streams that will happen for the next 6 days. I will watch everything (I mean, I might skip the Verizon presentation, because why is that a thing), but I don’t know if I’ll actually do posts about every presentation. I will try as far as what’s reasonable to even post about. Like, I’ll obviously do a post for the Microsoft and Nintendo ones, but some like Capcom and Square Enix are more questionable. I’ll write something, but I may not post them if there’s just nothing interesting to talk about. And then stuff like Verizon and Intellivision… there’s basically no way I’ll do postws about those.

What I’ll be writing for these events are LIVE commentary, though I will edit those and make them more readable, and I’ll have a conclusion about the presentation as a whole at the end. Also of course I’m writing the intros before watching the streams.

So the first E3-but-not-actually-E3 presentation comes from the Dorito Pope himself, boring reptilioid robot Geoff Keighley. Not a fan of the guy, he reeks of soulless corporatism, the way he says “presented by Doritos” proudly after the name of his events is rather chilling.  Summer Game Fest was a fun idea where not much of note was really announced last year at those few streams that were spread out through the summer (I think the biggest announcement was THPS1+2?). This is a kickoff stream for the rest of the summer. Apparently 30 games will be shown, and it will last a whole million years.

Let’s go and see if Dorito Pope has a good show or not! I doubt it, but let’s see! Stream is starting in a minute so I’ll be down in the post writing my reactions. IKZ

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Necromunda: Hired Gun review

necromunda hired gun

necromunda hired gun

I know absolutely nothing about Warhammer 40K. I know it exists, I know there’s space marines and the name of certain races and groups in the universe, and some of the chaos gods, but that’s really just absorbing random meaningless info from people I watch on the youtubes that like it. So I didn’t go into this game as a 40K fan. I just watched some gameplay videos and it looked fun.

So let’s go and see if it was, indeed, fun!

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