Category review

Famicom Detective Club review

Famicom Detective Club

Famicom Detective Club

This showed up at a recent Nintendo Direct, and my hype was through the roof. This is a series that came out on the Famicom (japanese version of the NES), through the Disc System (each game had 2 discs). It’s a point-and-click adventure game series that never got officially translated, but I know it was a big deal originally, serving partly as an inspiration to the Ace Attorney series.

I’m combining both games in one post, so it might be a kinda long post considering the type of game it is. I will be as spoiler-free as I can though, because for this kind of game it’s largely about the story, so I don’t want people to know the whole plot just from reading my review.

Let’s go and see what the west has been missing since the 80s!

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Moon Raider review

moon raider

moon raider

This is a game I knew basically nothing about until a bit before it came out on Switch/PS4/Xbone. It was a bit of a random buy on my side, and it ended up being a decent pickup for just before Famicom Detective Club came out. I never even noticed it on PC when it came out last year.

It looked pretty fun, so I figure I’d grab it… in-between like 6 other games… so it took a backseat and I’m only able to review it now. Let’s go!

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Smelter review



I saw a trailer for this about a month before it came out, and this looked really interesting. The gameplay looked to have some heavy Actraiser vibes, with it being a platformer, but having some form of RTS-ish gameplay too. So I was really excited to give this one a try.

Not much else to say for an intro, so let’s jump into it!

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SaGa Frontier Remastered impressions


SaGa Frontier Remastered

This is not a full review, because I don’t think I’m in any position to actually review this. I only did 2 of the 8 stories, and I don’t feel like playing through more of it right now. That said, I still wanna talk about it. So I’m writing this as an impressions post, since I can’t review it.

I’ve been enjoying me some SaGa recently. The SaGa collection on Switch of the old Game Boy games is really fun (SaGa 2 being my favorite of that bunch), and I also semi-recently played through SaGa Scarlet Grace and I really enjoyed that game’s combat and overall weird mechanics.

Anyways, let’s talk about this one quickly.

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Monster Hunter Rise review

Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise

I never “really” played Monster Hunter. I’m pretty quick to make a judgement on games, so a new franchise has to impress me fast. In the case of Monster Hunter, I played the first one and gave up real quick, I didn’t “get” it after doing some early small monster hunts. I gave it another chance on PSP, but I gave up on that one even faster and I never touched the series again.

So the demo for Rise came out, and since it actually made you play the real core of the gameplay in a way, actually getting you to hunt big monsters, I figured I’d give it a chance again (I’m sure some other MH demos did that too, but that was when I was in “gave up on MH” mode so I paid no attention). It took me a bit, but after trying out different weapons and figuring out how I was supposed to play, I became able to kill the demo monster, Mizutsune, pretty reliably (didn’t play the second demo that had Magnamalo). And I was enjoying it. So I figured… let’s jump into MH for real this time, unlike my original “attempts” with the series.

So yes this is a review not at all from a fan of the series, but a newcomer. So I don’t really know what’s new in this one except a few elements, I don’t know if it’s better or worse than any of the other games, I’m judging this as if it were a whole new thing. If you want a review from a veteran, you’ll have to look elsewhere. Let’s see how a newb deals with his first MonHun!

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Kaze and the Wild Masks review

kaze and the wild masks

Kaze and the Wild Masks

When I saw screenshots for this game, I thought it was gonna be a Klonoa-inspired platformer. But a quick look at a gameplay trailer showed the truth: this is a DKC-inspired game. That got my attention way more. So I picked it up. Yay.

Let’s go and see if this DKC-like is the good stuff.

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BPM: Bullets Per Minute review

BPM Bullets Per Minute

BPM: Bullets Per Minute

I actually picked this up close to release last year, but I was on my previous PC, which was pretty good but bottlenecked by a pretty old (at that point) intel i5 CPU, and it had lots of issues with it surprisingly (considering how this game looks, it shouldn’t have had the 5-10 minute loading times it did on an SSD). My new PC is considerably beastlier, so I picked it back up and finally got some runs in with no issues at all.

I was pretty interested in this one as it had the pretty unique idea of being a rhythm FPS. It wasn’t the only rhythm FPS featuring metal music we saw announcements for last year (the other being Metal: Hellsinger, which is not out yet), which was pretty weird, but I’m always in for interesting gameplay mechanics and both of these do seem to play quite differently.

So let’s go and see if this is good!

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Bravely Default 2 review


Bravely Default 2

I really liked the first Bravely Default (with the job system and interesting battle system), up to a point. That point was the “twist” of how the story works in the second half (or so) of the game. At that point I ended up losing track of what I was supposed to do and eventually gave up. I didn’t play the direct sequel Bravely Second. This one is kinda like a new Final Fantasy, where it’s not really related, story-wise, to the previous games, so I was excited to check it out.

Let’s go and talk about it!

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Cathedral review



This came out in 2019 and I never heard about it until the recent Switch version was announced. The one trailer I saw for it looked pretty interesting. So I grabbed it. Now I’m reviewing it. I’m very good at intros.

Let’s just go! This may be a pretty quick review.

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Project Warlock review

project warlock

Project Warlock

Sometimes I go back and review older games. Usually because I jumped into them late. Project Warlock has been on my Steam wishlist for a while, and I recently finally grabbed it. Must have been on sale. So of course I finished it and I’m gonna review it!

There’s been a few of these in recent days, FPS that look and play much like Doomlikes of old. I’m all for that, as it’s a style of gameplay that is still absolutely valid and great. I revisit DOOM and Wolfenstein 3D and Super 3D Noah’s Ark all the time, amongst others.

So let’s go and see if this classic DOOM-inspired game is good!

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