Category review

Persona 5 Strikers review


Persona 5 Strikers

Persona 5 was a pretty good time. Great visuals and hud elements (weird thing to compliment but they did look awesome and were very animated), fun characters, great fighting system and way too much talking in-between actual gameplay, but it works in its favor, mostly. I skipped Royal because… I’m not interested in playing most games a second time… I might have double-dipped if it came to Switch, but it hasn’t so… meh.

Strikers was announced some time ago, it feels like it took a while to release… and looking at release dates, we got it a whole year after Japan, so yeah, we waited a bit. I was under the impressions that this was gonna be a pretty random musou game using characters and enemies from Persona, but after playing it I see that I was mistaken.

So let’s go and see if this is a good follow up to Persona 5!

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Loop Hero review

Loop Hero

Loop Hero

Been a bit slow to post reviews because I’ve been a bit slow playing through RPGs… But I’ve been playing this little thing on the side as well. And I still have other smaller games I want to get into soon.

Loop Hero I remember seeing at some event last year alongside a bunch of other Devolver Digital announcements. This was the one that was most interesting to me in that bunch, IIRC. Definitely seemed unique.

So let’s go and see if it’s good!

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Ring of Pain review

Ring of Pain

Ring of Pain

I was gonna review this on The Save Points but I never got to it before deciding to close down the site. And it’s one that I took some time figuring out exactly how to talk about it because it’s definitely weird.

Let’s go!

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Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury review

super mario 3D world + Bowser's Fury

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury

The Wii U is a bit of a weird thing. It sold like crap but it had several games that sold extremely well considering the low amount of units out there. Super Mario 3D World is one of those examples, with 5.86 million copies sold, which is impressive considering only 13 million Wii U units were even sold.

At this point the Switch has basically every noteworthy Wii U game ported to it and outselling their Wii U counterparts easily (~8 million Mario Kart 8 copies on Wii U compared to over 33 million on the Switch, for example), so it was only a matter of time before 3D World made its way to the platform. That way people might actually be able to play this game, since so few even had the console to do so in the first place.

What I wasn’t expecting was that it would have actual noteworthy new content. Mario Kart had the DLC and a battle mode no one cared about, Tropical Freeze had Funky Mode, Pikmin 3 had the DLC and the Piklopedia, Hyrule Warriors had the DLC, Pokken had characters that were previously only in the arcade version… It was basically nothing major, or new. Mario 3D World though? It gets a whole new GAME. That’s pretty meaningful.

So let’s go and see if this is a package worth getting!

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Cyber Shadow review

cyber shadow

Cyber Shadow

I was really hyped for this game, I’ve been following it for a while. There’s a lot of these 8-bit-style games around but this one looked really interesting. For a second I actually mistook The Messenger for this, quickly realized they were different games… The Messenger is kinda similar but has different gameplay focuses, I recommend it too.

Let’s go and see if my hype was warranted!

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Grindstone review



This was previously on Apple Arcade, a platform that you can’t convince me actually exists. It went from there to Switch a year after its Apple Arcade release,  so finally actual people could play this.

I wasn’t excited for it after it popped up on some Nintendo indie presentation, but it seemed I was in the minority. People on twitter were really hyping it up, and everyone that played it seemed to really like it. So I figured… eh, why not!

So read on and see why not! Yes, this is my first negative review on this particular blog. I never want to be negative about games, but it happens. More than it should. But it’s important to figure out why some games fail to reach expectations.

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Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy review

atelier ryza 2

Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy

There it is, my first review on this new website! I was actually gonna delay posting my first review for a big stupid joke, but Garfield Kart isn’t worth playing enough of to be able to actually review it (it’s free as of this writing on IndieGala if you want to waste your time). Unfortunate, but instead I get to review a game I like, so yay!

This is a sequel to a game I really enjoyed. The first Atelier Ryza was a pretty different game than other Atelier games I played, namely due to the lack of a time management mechanic. Despite the change, it was a really fun game that had a nice calm feel and cool combat and alchemy that was a bit different from before. I was going to the second one expecting much of the same as the first, maybe with some improvements.

So let’s go and check it out!

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A reboot, rebrand and a new start! – JOBOCAN Game Reviews – Introduction

Hey there! This is Jobocan. This may seem like a whole new website, and that’s because it kinda is.

Previously I was running a blog called The Save Points, which started back in 2008. It originated as a project between friends where we’d be several people reviewing games and doing different kinds of posts. We started with 4 people (and added a couple more early on). After not too long people other than me stopped writing for it and it became pretty much a solo site, and visually had not updated in a long time. We experimented with many scoring systems, different kinds of posts and, overall, it was just something for me to have fun with.

That site had domain name issues recently (unfortunately not long after I posted a pile of year-end posts like GotY 2020 and my most hyped games for 2021), where it wasn’t renewed and thus expired. I took a while during that to figure what I’d do, either wait 65 days for the domain to be buyable again, or just make a new website and start entirely from scratch. So… here we are! I do have the old site archived on my side but I doubt I’m bringing any of it back.

Just thought I’d introduce how I’ll do things here. Read on!

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