Category review

Pokemon Scarlet/Violet review

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet

Well, there’s a new Pokemon! I tend to not really review Pokemon unless something new is done. I mean, you’ve reviewed one Gen 7 or lower Pokemon game, you’ve reviewed all of them. That’s why I didn’t really review the Diamond and Pearl remakes in my post about them, but I did review Legends Arceus, because that was a more unique spin-off.

And in this case, it’s different enough to be worth reviewing… so yeah. I played the story and did some post-game shit, I’m about done with it myself though. I will do things a bit different than usual reviews because the usual format doesn’t work for this.

Let’s talk about it!

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Bayonetta 3 review

Bayonetta 3

Bayonetta 3

Bayonetta is a great series. The original took the fast-paced well-designed action gameplay of the Devil May Cry series and added a coat of magical, sexy, camp paint to the mix. The games featured great gameplay, a fun character that liked to dance, and crazy boss battles against massive enemies, to a scale unlike most games before, with the first game ending with Bayonetta destroying literally God in the Sun.

This game has been announced probably too early, in 2017 as it had only recently started development. It took a while to get any new info, but it did eventually come, and the hype was pretty high. So yeah I got the game and finished it in 2 days, then took weeks to finally write this review.

Let’s see if the series continues to be very good!

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Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope review

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle was a really weird one. It actually had rumors but it sounded fake because who would believe rumors about a strategy RPG featuring Mario and Rabbids. Well, marketing material popped up and… this looked like a decent idea. And then we saw it and it actually looked fun. It became a huge seller at 7.5 million copies sold (most probably at pretty low price, because Ubisoft), so clearly people thought it was interesting.. But people wondered anyways if a sequel may happen since it was a pretty unique project.

Well, it happened. It looked cool, of course. So I got it, and played the poop out of it. Let’s go and see if the sequel is as good as the original!

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I don’t think I can play any more Sonic Frontiers

Sonic Frontiers

Sonic Frontiers

I actually have 3 other reviews that I’m writing right now, taking my time on them. In the meantime, I started playing this thing and… well, this impressions post needs to take precedence.

I had no expectations for Sonic Frontiers because the marketing has been crap but some things looked okay. But I was worried when it looked like it was going for an open world angle. Because basically every open world game is shit. But I still wanted to give this a chance because, despite most post-Genesis Sonic games being bad games, I always give him a chance. I always hold hope that, one day, Sonic will be back to his former glory. Spoilers: he’s not.

After almost 6 hours of playing this game, I think I’m done. This is not a game I want to finish playing. But I still want to talk about it, so let’s do this!

This is NOT a review, since I’m not done with the game. But I won’t be done with it, so this is the most I’m putting out about this game.

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Garbage Pail Kids: Mad Mike and the Quest for Stale Gum NES GAME review



I find this a weird nostalgia bait thing. Like… Kids cared a little bit about this back in the 80s, and it even got a really crap movie because of the success of the cards, but I dunno if all that many people really look back that fondly on Garbage Pail Kids, beyond it being a product of its time. However, I’m kinda into this concept of making new games for old systems, especially now if you make sure to, you know, make them available on modern platforms too. One of the best examples of this is Battle Kid, a game that was stuck on NES for a bit but is now available on Xbox and hopefully will come to more platforms.

So I figured I’d grab this on a sensible system so I got the PC version. It will come on an NES cartridge later if you like spending like 7 times more than the game costs to get a collectible version of it… Yeah, not a fan of that price point.

So let’s see if this is a good NES game or whatever!

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Games coming out in November 2022

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet

Okay, October wasn’t that busy as far as reviews, and I think we’re gonna be in a moment where I have to build a backlog though because there’s lots of big long games coming out soon. I also have a post of games I played but haven’t reviewed this year, I’ll post that probably in December. I’m playing the new Mario + Rabbids game now, and both Bayonetta 3 and Star Ocean are out this week, and then November is not lacking in games I’ll play and review… The problem isn’t that I don’t have games to play, it’s that I don’t have enough time to play them and review them in a timely manner.

So November… Actually a lot of games. Some big ones too. Here I’m highlighting: 13 multiplatform releases, 4 Switch releases (5 if you’re weird) and 3 PC releases. There’s 8 of these I’m buying for sure, plus a few maybes. It’s gonna be busy.

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, some more niche stuff I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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Atari Mania review

Atari Mania

Atari Mania

Atari is a company in a constant state of confusion. There’s times they’ve release good shit (like Yar’s Revenge, which is a Star Fox-like), but they’re very much focused on meh remakes of classics, and collections. They have this console I’ve not heard of anyone buying, it’s not very interesting.

But the trailer for this one definitely caught my attention, because it wasn’t just a collection of old Atari games again, but it did some interesting things with the concept. Namely, it’s kinda like NES Remix, where it takes the classic games, but remixes the gameplay and visual elements. Looked like it might be a good time. So I grabbed it.

Let’s see if it’s good!

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The DioField Chronicle review

The Diofield Chronicle

The Diofield Chronicle

This was announced at a Sony Direct (one of the 2 Sony Directs that were actually kinda okay). I was pretty curious about it, it looked like a fairly unique kind of strategy game that kind of reminded me of an old PC game I used to play called Cannon Fodder, but with an RPG twist. Looked interesting enough so I grabbed it at launch!

I actually never really noticed that this was developed by Lancarse, the same company that also released Monark early this year, an RPG I did not like. I don’t think this would’ve influenced my decision to get this though.

So let’s check this one out!

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Temtem review



It’s Pokemon. But not! There’s a few of these Pokemon-likes coming out recently like this, Coromon, Nexomon and probably a bunch of others I’m forgetting. This one seemed to be a bit more competitive-focused, with some small but interesting changes to the formula. It’s also been in early access for a while but I decided to wait until full release before getting it.

I actually took a lot of notes while playing this one. So I may address notes in this review more than usual since this is a game that can be described very quickly. Also I’ll just call Temtem, the creatures themselves, Pokemon. Because they’re Pokemon.

Well let’s talk about this!

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Return to Monkey Island review

Return to Monkey Island

Return to Monkey Island

Well. Monkey Island. It’s a series. A very enjoyable series, a truly pioneering one that revolutionized the adventure genre (Ahoy has an amazing video about it), and featured some truly amazing games that not only had interesting puzzles with weird but also weirdly logical logic, but comedy to go along with it. Namely, I find the first 3 games to be just about the best games in the genre.

The third game is also where the first 2 games’ main creator, Ron Gilbert, was out of the picture, with the rest of the series being juggled between different teams, including TellTale back when they actually made games that had gameplay. But Ron is back for this one. Ron did act like a fucking baby when us PLEBS told him that we didn’t like the graphics, and that’s USUALLY a sign that the game will suck when the creators start insulting the fanbase… But this is Monkey Island, and it’s actually the original creator of the series rather than some doofus that wants to just outright ruin it (as was, say, Saints Row), so I figured… it’s certainly worth giving a chance to anyways.

So let’s see if it’s one of the rare good revival of a classic, mostly-dead series!

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