Category review

Super Bullet Break review

Super Bullet Break

Super Bullet Break

I like digging a bit to find some interesting games, and this was certainly interesting. It had a demo that was pretty fun, but it had some issues to it, namely the controls being garbage with a mouse and keyboard. It was a pretty cool roguelite deck-building game, pretty similar to Slay the Spire.

Well I grabbed it when it came out and now I’m gonna review it… yay!

Let’s go!

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Pac-Man World Re-Pac review

Pac-Man World Re-Pac

Pac-Man World Re-Pac

The Pac-Man World series is one I missed entirely back when it was ongoing. Some time back on Youtube, I did notice a few smaller game review channels being really big fans of these games (especially the third), so I was pretty interested to finally try one of them out.

So let’s see if this classic game is actually a classic!

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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 review

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Well this was probably one of the most hyped games this year. It was meant to come out later, but I guess they finished it early so… Yeah. July it is. I actually had time off work, so this worked out.

I enjoyed the other Xenoblades, except for X which… I dunno, maybe I’d need to give it another chance. 2 is the one I prefered, didn’t actually find the gacha-like system to be all that bad even though I never did get KOS-MOS.

So let’s go, see if the series continues being good!

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Cult of the Lamb review

Cult of the Lamb

Cult of the Lamb

I saw bits of this here and there, and I was pretty interested. It was definitely billing itself as a Binding of Isaac alternative, with a lot of similarities gameplay-wise and, in a way, visually. I was pretty interested in trying it out. So I bought it last week when it came out and… finished it. Hmm.

Well, let’s talk about it!

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Captain Velvet Meteor: The Jump+ Dimensions review

Captain Velvet Meteor: The Jump+ Dimensions

Captain Velvet Meteor: The Jump+ Dimensions

This was shown off at the recent Nintendo Partner Direct, thought I think it was shown off in other places before. I was pretty curious about it as it looked pretty interesting. I realized pretty quick that it used Jump characters, specifically from Jump+, though none of them I was particularly familiar with outside of Spy X Family. I wondered what “Captain Velvet Meteor” was though, as that wasn’t a Jump character. This video from 10 years ago is literally all I could find (of course made by one of the devs of the game). So basically Shueisha gave their licenses to a pretty small studio to make a game using their characters… That’s certainly not something you see every day.

So I picked this up and it was a nice quick weekend game alongside Frogun.

So let’s go and see if it’s good!

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Frogun almost-review



Well I was gonna review this once I finished it, but tragedy struck. For whatever reason, the game wasn’t taking my inputs in the title screen, so I mashed buttons and when it finally started taking inputs, somehow I did exactly what I needed to delete my save. I was nearly at the end, but I’m not quite willing to replay through the whole thing right now to get to the end properly… So this isn’t quite a review, but close enough.

SO ANYWAYS! I’ve seen this game pop up at events with new trailers and stuff for a little bit. I thought it looked fun, and doing the PS1-ish graphics was pretty cool. So I was curious enough to grab it.

So let’s go, see if it’s good!

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Live A Live review

Live A Live

Live A Live

As a big fan of SNES RPGs, this is one that I’ve always wanted to try, but never have. There was a translated rom (which is how I got into some of the classics like FF5, Seiken Densetsu 3 and a few others) but still this is one I never ended up checking out for some reason.

I was pretty excited when this was recently announced at a Nintendo Direct, using the HD-2D style.

Well let’s see what I’ve been missing all this time!

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Spidersaurs review



A bit of a random pick-up from me, as I wasn’t super sure I wanted to pick it up… but I did. The trailers looked kinda fun. It’s obviously a take on Contra. It’s been said that it’s by the devs of Contra 4, though I’m not sure if people say that just because it’s a WayForward game, or if it’s the same actual people working on it, but either way, there’s some good possibility of them making a good game in this style since WayForward did some amazing work on Contra 4.

So let’s go and check it out!

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Rise of the Slime review

rise of the slime

rise of the slime

This game came out last year. I played the demo, thought it might be okay, put it on my wishlist, and waited over a year to get it.

I am calling this a review, but honestly I wouldn’t normally do that. But I DID finish the game, I just don’t know if there’s anything more to it because… well… read the review. I might actually be wrong about some things here.

Let’s go? This will be a short one because there’s weirdly little to talk about here.

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Pocky & Rocky Reshrined review

Pocky & Rocky Reshrined

Pocky & Rocky Reshrined

This is from a classic series that started on the Famicom as Kiki Kaikai. It came to the US later, on the SNES, and was renamed to Pocky & Rocky, probably because a title like Kiki Kaikai would be a harder sell. It was a shoot ’em up, except you have control over the scrolling, and you can shoot in 8 directions. It got a sequel on the SNES and one on GBA called “Pocky & Rocky with Becky” which seems a bit more similar to the NES original than the SNES games from what I’ve seen (never played it myself).

There has been a few games kinda like this since, such as Heavenly Guardian on PS2 and Wii, and Mamorukun Curse on PS3 (which took on a more bullet hell approach), but Pocky & Rocky itself has been dormant for quite a while.

I was really hyped to try this one, let’s see if it’s a good revival!

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