2021 tagged posts

Square Enix Presents E3 2021 live reaction

Square Enix Presents Summer 2021 E3

Well I don’t have a super long time to write an intro as I just finished posting my Microsoft post. Thankfully there’s been no other presentations in-between so I don’t think there’s much to talk about before.

Squeenix’s E3 presentations have varied in quality quite a bit. Some awful, some okay, they’re very random. There’s a few rumors going for this one, might be fun to see if they’re real. Namely a Dark Souls-style FF game by Team Ninja and an FF collection for modern platforms. Also we know Babylon’s Fall will be there, I’m hyped to see more of that and hopefully a release date finally. But after getting disappointed by Microsoft I’m keeping my expectations low here.

As usual these are my “live” reactions to the event, I’m gonna edit those to make them readable and write overall thoughts at the end. Intro is written before seeing the show.

Starts in a minute so… let’s go? Maybe Squeenix will be okay. I dunno, Microsoft managed to lower my hype substantially.

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Ubisoft Forward E3 2021 reaction

ubisoft forward 2021

Well, before we get to Ubisoft’s E3 thing, let’s talk about the other stuff I watched that I didn’t make posts about. Koch Media… Not only did it include the lizard man himself Geoff Keighley, but it was possibly the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Instead of, you know, showing games, they just pretended to talk about games (because half the shit they said didn’t mean shit), and none of it was meaningful or interesting. It was so pointless and long, it was basically unwatchable. I stopped watching to go to the IGN stream…

The IGN stream was… lots of advertising we didn’t want to see in-between the advertising we DID want to see. Compared to the Koch Media bullshit, this actually had games. Some of them were even a little bit interesting. They had nothing major to show, and they could’ve done without the “personalities” being boring in-between the trailers… This wasn’t great but it was kinda okay-ish after the pure boredom that was the Koch Media thing.

The Guerrilla Collective Showcase actually had several really cool games. My highlights were Akatori and Severed Steel, but there were actually several games that I’m sure many people will find interesting in there. You can check out most the games here.

The Wholesome Direct was meh. 75 games shown, none of them were particularly interesting to me. Some of them might be more your taste than mine, there were some that I’m sure will be a little bit popular. The link I put for Guerrilla Collective also has a list of things from the Wholesome Direct.

So anyways, it’s Ubisoft’s turn. We’ll more than likely only see one cool thing, that being the Mario+Rabbids sequel which Nintendo themselves leaked by mistake (they published the page for it on their website too early). This is hilarious that they’d do that, as it’s really the only thing Ubisoft probably had to show that wasn’t gonna be shit. The only other things they could show that could be interesting would be a new Rayman or a new Blood Dragon, pretty much, and I doubt that’s happening. Everything else Ubisoft makes is shitballs. So we’ll see I guess.

So anyways… this is gonna be my live reactions to the Ubisoft presentation. I will write these as I’m watching, then I’ll write my overall thoughts on what is sure to be a shitshow, then I’ll edit my live thoughts just to make sure they’re readable, and that’s that! Also I’m writing this intro before watching.

Well the countdown is about to end so time to watch this crap. Let’s go I guess.

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Summer Game Fest kickoff stream reactions

’tis the season of the E3. There’s a LOT of streams that will happen for the next 6 days. I will watch everything (I mean, I might skip the Verizon presentation, because why is that a thing), but I don’t know if I’ll actually do posts about every presentation. I will try as far as what’s reasonable to even post about. Like, I’ll obviously do a post for the Microsoft and Nintendo ones, but some like Capcom and Square Enix are more questionable. I’ll write something, but I may not post them if there’s just nothing interesting to talk about. And then stuff like Verizon and Intellivision… there’s basically no way I’ll do postws about those.

What I’ll be writing for these events are LIVE commentary, though I will edit those and make them more readable, and I’ll have a conclusion about the presentation as a whole at the end. Also of course I’m writing the intros before watching the streams.

So the first E3-but-not-actually-E3 presentation comes from the Dorito Pope himself, boring reptilioid robot Geoff Keighley. Not a fan of the guy, he reeks of soulless corporatism, the way he says “presented by Doritos” proudly after the name of his events is rather chilling.  Summer Game Fest was a fun idea where not much of note was really announced last year at those few streams that were spread out through the summer (I think the biggest announcement was THPS1+2?). This is a kickoff stream for the rest of the summer. Apparently 30 games will be shown, and it will last a whole million years.

Let’s go and see if Dorito Pope has a good show or not! I doubt it, but let’s see! Stream is starting in a minute so I’ll be down in the post writing my reactions. IKZ

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Games coming out in June 2021

disgaea 6

Got a few reviews posted in May, and I actually have 2 more that I’m writing right now and a few games that I’m playing as well that I’ll review… not counting all the stuff I’m getting in June. Things are going pretty great writing-wise.

So June is E3 month, and E3 isn’t being skipped this year. I already talked about how weird it is for E3 to exist anymore. I have basically no excitement for E3 or its weird app thing. But hey, there could be some fun announcements. So there’s possible hype there, maybe. I prefer to go in with zero expectations.

Other than E3, June is a pretty exciting month games-wise this year, surprisingly. I’m buying at least 7 new games, with still a few “maybe” games too. It’s actually pretty crazy. So in June we’re gonna be seeing: 11 multiplats, 6 Switch releases, 3 PS5 releases and 3 PC releases. There’s some really cool stuff here.

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, small interesting ones I may notice and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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E3 2021 hype? Maybe not.

E3 2021

Last year E3 was skipped. Things were fine. There were a bunch of smaller events where games were announced, Nintendo took the great idea of waiting until the games were 2 months away from release before even announcing them (by randomly dropping the trailers on their youtube channel with no warning, which is great) which is WAY better than waiting years for any info, and a lot was delayed anyways on all fronts. As a result E3 showed itself to not be something that is needed anymore.

So E3 is coming back this year. Kinda? The ESA is gonna be running… something? On an app? People weirdly don’t know this, but the E3 presentations we watch on the internet aren’t actually E3 (they’re ran in separate buildings that are reserved by the game companies themselves, it just makes sense to have those running at the same time as actual E3 for some fan hype), with the actual E3 being the showfloor where journalists (largely) go down to try the new games/hardware and run interviews and presentations and such with the devs.

I usually post about E3 around a month before it happens, addressing rumors and what will happen there, with some predictions and such. This time it’s a bit of a different post than my usual because… I have no idea what E3 2021 is, and there’s no “real” info. What we have is basically useless.

Let’s see what I’ve got to say about this one!

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Games coming out in May 2021

Famicom Detective Club™: The Girl Who Stands Behind

6 reviews in a month, not bad. There’s been some okay stuff here, some GotY-level stuff too.

I do have a bunch of reviews incoming too. SaGa Frontier Remastered, Nier Replicant, Smelter, and a bunch of other stuff probably. I think I’ll be busy with reviews for a bit still, I’m really not running out of games to play that’s for sure. Plus MHR is coming back for more with the 2.0 update.

So anyways, this month I’m highlighting: 7 multiplats, 4 Switch releases, a PC release and a PS5 port of an old Switch game. It’s a pretty quiet month but there’s certainly some interesting games there. It’s the calm before the June storm.

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, small interesting ones I may notice and such. And of course I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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Games coming out in April 2021

So March wasn’t quite as busy post-wise as I was expecting, but that’s largely because some of these games took me a while to go through. I’m in the process of writing 2 reviews right now, for Cathedral and Bravely Default 2.

And I have some other stuff planned. I’m getting started on Monster Hunter Rise which is my first full-on try at an MH game (so the review will be from the perspective of a newb), I have some other games that recently came out I want to get (Kaze and the Wild Masks, Ghost ‘n Goblins Resurrection, a Record of Lodoss War metroidvania (might have to watch the anime too, I missed that one back in the day)… maybe some other stuff), there’s some older games I started playing (such as BPM and Remnant and Creature in the Well), there’s new games I want coming out in April… and I want to make every console fanboy mad so I am planning a series of posts about last-gen. Specifically the main post will be about the great games that came out in the generation, and I’m hoping to do 3 side-posts about why all the consoles sucked (the PS4 one is particularly spicy because people think that’s a good console for some reason).

So ANYWAYS, I need to stop talking about the blog for a second and actually to get to the real meat and potatoes of the post. April is in a few days and I need to do the monthly list of games coming out.

We’ve got: *12* multiplats, 2 Switch games, 1 PS5 game (whoa!) and a PC game. There’s several in there that I’m getting, just in case my current game list wasn’t big enough already.


Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, small interesting ones I may notice and such. And of course I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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Games coming out in March 2021

I mentioned this in my intro post, this is a type of post I’ve done monthly since 2008 on my previous site The Save Points. I just highlight upcoming games, give my impressions on them based on currently-known info like trailers and demos and such. This includes games I’m interested in, games that may be/become popular whether or not I care about them, and random stuff in-between… Basically anything I feel bears mentioning for any reason. Obviously I can’t tell the future but I will try to somewhat keep this up-to-date as interesting games get release dates and remove games that get delayed at the last minute.

I also like to use these posts as a quick update thing, talk about recent and upcoming stuff, you know… I mean, I made a new site, posted several reviews, changed a bunch of things in the design and functionality of the blog, all has been going well on that end. And I got my second cataract surgery so I CAN SEE, without glasses… that’s pretty cool! I do have a bunch of reviews upcoming, right now on my currently-playing list I have Cathedral and Persona 5 Strikers and Bravely Default 2 and Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection… Curse of the Dead Gods looks kinda cool too so that’s a maybe… and there’s some stuff coming out in March that I’m getting… so I’m not running out of things to post for a while.

So March 2021… it has a couple of the year’s biggest heavy hitters. I’m counting: 11 multiplats, 4 Switch games, 1 PS5 game, 6 PC releases and 1 PS4 game. I’m buying a couple things in there, it’s a decent month.

Well, let’s go and see what March has in store for us! I was gonna post this a bit earlier but a State of Play was announced so I decided to wait, just in case something happened. Nothing happened, so no reaction post. Sony sucks. Maybe I should do a new “Sony is not a good game company” post for the lulz. Did one last year after another shitty State of Play.

*EDIT 03/01* Had to remove a PS5 game that I didn’t notice got pushed back yay!

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