Well, before we get to Ubisoft’s E3 thing, let’s talk about the other stuff I watched that I didn’t make posts about. Koch Media… Not only did it include the lizard man himself Geoff Keighley, but it was possibly the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Instead of, you know, showing games, they just pretended to talk about games (because half the shit they said didn’t mean shit), and none of it was meaningful or interesting. It was so pointless and long, it was basically unwatchable. I stopped watching to go to the IGN stream…
The IGN stream was… lots of advertising we didn’t want to see in-between the advertising we DID want to see. Compared to the Koch Media bullshit, this actually had games. Some of them were even a little bit interesting. They had nothing major to show, and they could’ve done without the “personalities” being boring in-between the trailers… This wasn’t great but it was kinda okay-ish after the pure boredom that was the Koch Media thing.
The Guerrilla Collective Showcase actually had several really cool games. My highlights were Akatori and Severed Steel, but there were actually several games that I’m sure many people will find interesting in there. You can check out most the games here.
The Wholesome Direct was meh. 75 games shown, none of them were particularly interesting to me. Some of them might be more your taste than mine, there were some that I’m sure will be a little bit popular. The link I put for Guerrilla Collective also has a list of things from the Wholesome Direct.
So anyways, it’s Ubisoft’s turn. We’ll more than likely only see one cool thing, that being the Mario+Rabbids sequel which Nintendo themselves leaked by mistake (they published the page for it on their website too early). This is hilarious that they’d do that, as it’s really the only thing Ubisoft probably had to show that wasn’t gonna be shit. The only other things they could show that could be interesting would be a new Rayman or a new Blood Dragon, pretty much, and I doubt that’s happening. Everything else Ubisoft makes is shitballs. So we’ll see I guess.
So anyways… this is gonna be my live reactions to the Ubisoft presentation. I will write these as I’m watching, then I’ll write my overall thoughts on what is sure to be a shitshow, then I’ll edit my live thoughts just to make sure they’re readable, and that’s that! Also I’m writing this intro before watching.
Well the countdown is about to end so time to watch this crap. Let’s go I guess.
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