I have no idea what happened with this universe that I’m actually reviewing this game. I’d usually just straight up ignore this licensed rip-off kinda deal. But this game, it got my attention.
And I wasn’t the only one, as it got the attention of the competitive Smash fanbase in a pretty big way, and the Smash fanbase overall. The moment it got peoples’ attention is when the dev was revealed to be Ludosity, who previously made Slap City, a Smash clone that I hear is pretty okay, but also with the gameplay demos (including in-depth moveset showcases for all the characters) we were shown a game that looked way better than you may expect from something like this. As in, it actually looked good.
So yeah… let’s talk about this one! I don’t think it will be a super long review, but we’ll see.
*EDIT: As I was writing this review a patch came out for the game and I didn’t notice, it does fix some things I mention, mostly as far as character balance*
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