eh? tagged posts

Star Ocean: The Divine Force review

Star Ocean The Divine Force

Star Ocean The Divine Force

Star Ocean is a series. It has games. Some of them are good, namely the first 3, and I remember having fun with the fourth even though that one was rather disliked overall. The fifth, on PS4, is one of the few RPGs I gave up on after less than 5 hours played. I don’t even really remember it, I just didn’t like it.

So this new one was kinda announced out of nowhere, I think in a Playstation Direct, and to basically no hype at all… So I picked it up at launch, finished it weeks ago, started playing and reviewing other things, and now I’m finally reviewing this.

Well, let’s go and talk about this video game!

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No More Heroes 3 review

No More Heroes 3

No More Heroes 3

Back in the Wii days, NMH was the shit. It was quirky, but had pretty fun gameplay to go alongside the quirkiness. After the Wii, the series went largely dormant, other than a top-down action game that I’ve heard nothing good about (and the gameplay I saw looked shit) so I didn’t play it.

So this one finally came out, People were a little bit excited for it. I was too. I just took a while to finally jump into it. So let’s talk about it! This might not be a long review.

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I don’t think I can review The Ascent

The Ascent

The Ascent

Sometimes a game comes out that I’ll play all the way through, and then at the end I have basically nothing to say about it. The Ascent is one such game.

So because I can’t review it, I’ll still try to talk about it a bit and see if I can squeeze out… anything.

Let’s go? This will not be a review and should not be considered as such. I won’t really go in-depth with anything. I guess it’s gonna be closer to an impression post?

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