Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes tagged posts

The May 2024 Gaming Update

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

May sure was a big nothing month in gaming… Other than finally people are catching up to the fact that the industry is crashing… you’re over 10 years late on that realization but better late than never. Now if only game companies also noticed this. Yeah everyone seems to suck right now, good games are rarer than ever, all sequels/remasters/remakes are noticeably worse than the original game (with the only real advantage being that they’re actually available on modern platforms).

As far as games I played in May… Mahjong Soul, Pokemon TVG Live, and Eiyuden Chronicle. That’s it. I did get Skald: Against the Black Priory, but that’s going into next month’s update. So I don’t really have much to put in an update… Maybe I should put my notes about the State of Play here? I’ll think about it. Next month’s update will have not much again, with some notes on all the “E3” presentations.

So yeah… here’s stuff.

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Video Games coming out in April 2024


Well March was a kinda disappointing month, not to spoil my march update post too much. I don’t really have much to say as an intro beyond… it’s important to continue noticing.

This month I’m highlighting: 10 multiplats, 1 Switch game, 1 PS5 game and 2 PC games. A bit of a quiet month but there’s actually some exciting stuff this month, unlike last month, with a few games I’m getting for sure.

I was gonna highlight Another Crab’s Treasure because it’s a game I thought looked fun, but the devs are assholes so that’s squarely on the “don’t buy it” list. They don’t like gamers so gamers shouldn’t give them money, very simple.

So let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, some more niche stuff I may notice, and such. This is not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. Of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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2024 HYPE GAMES – Interesting upcoming games

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Okay I did my GotY post, now let’s stop looking at the past and look at the future… Hopefully 2024 brings just a bit more quality than 2023 did.

I’m just gonna do the usual, just talk about my top 6 most-hyped-for-now games, and then big lists of games I have some level of hype for, and a slightly smaller list of games that might be popular but that I don’t have hype for (some because they’re bad, some because they’re not really my thing).

So let’s go!

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2023 HYPE GAMES – Interesting upcoming games

Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society

Well the GotY stuff is done, so not much is left to do this year other than… get hyped for next year! I also have 2 reviews that I’m writing, and the january release list. So I’m doing stuff!

2022 was a pretty fun year with a lot of pretty solid games. 2023… I’m not quite sure if it’s lining up to be quite as good, but it very easily could. There’s a good number of really interesting games coming up, but I’m actually not sure about big badass games yet, as a whole.

So I’ll do my yearly usual post, giving my top 6-ish hyped games, make a big list of big-to-small games I’m interested in, and make a list of big games I’m not interested in. Just trying to get excited about the future and stuff.

So let’s go!

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising review

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes was a successful Kickstarter (so far), with that game coming out next year. It’s interesting, being a Suikoden-inspired RPG (and I think some of the original Suikoden devs are part of the team) with, as the title says, at least a hundred characters you can use to build your party. Looks cool.

Rising is a prequel to that game, which, I presume, features a few of the characters and a very small look at the world of the final game. This one is an action RPG instead.

So… yeah, let’s review this!

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