Hey. So apparently I haven’t posted at all in January other than today. lol. I have a review halfway written for Mameda no Bakeru, I will get that done at some point. I also want to talk about Palworld. And I’m also playing through Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, which has a depressingly awful localization so every time someone says something in japanese and the english translation is entirely wrong (which is almost every sentence), I just feel like playing it less… so I probably won’t review that because I probably won’t finish it. Disappointing because I was really hyped for it, but the fact that I understand japanese a bit is just sucking out the fun out.
So yeah, February is a month. It has games. I’m highlighting: 14 multiplats, 3 Switch games, 3 PC games, and a PS5 temporary exclusive. I remove a few remasters from the list because they were dumb, like Dark Forces and Brothers 😀 … It might seem like there’s a decent amount of games, but I dunno, there’s not much I’m all that hyped about. I’d say 1 “for sure” and like 3 maybes.
Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, some more niche stuff I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.
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