I like Warriors games. I don’t get all the ones that came out because there’s too much, but one every year or two is pretty nice. Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is the latest one. I finished one of the (at least) 3 storylines. And I just don’t really feel like reviewing it. Because, in my time reviewing, I’ve reviewed many a Warriors game. And those reviews all describe the exact same base game, with pretty minor alterations. And those minor alterations… I don’t know if they’re worth reviewing.
Three Hopes is a standard Warriors game, but with the FE: Three Houses class system, a similar version of the relationship system (though the payoff isn’t quite as good as in Three Houses), and otherwise the gameplay is fairly standard Warriors with the order system FE Warriors had so your teammates can be semi-useful. The performance is definitely better than Age of Calamity though, so that’s nice. And this one doesn’t have a substantial post-game like some of the other Warriors games on Switch, instead focusing on restarting from the beginning and doing alternate stories, so it might be for you content-wise if you’re a completionist.
I think Three Hopes is a top-tier Warriors game, though objectively some of the others are probably a bit better (namely Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition has way more stuff in it).
But Musou is Musou. You don’t need reviews to know if you’ll like Musou games. If you liked previous Warriors, you’ll like this. If you didn’t, this won’t convince you otherwise. If you’re not familiar with Musou… Just get one that is licensed to something you like and try it out.
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