Halo Infinite tagged posts

Games coming out in December 2021

Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX

Pretty slow month for posts on my side, with 2 semi-long JRPGs being reviewed. I do have a few other posts on the way, I’m playing Ziggurat 2 and Voice of Cards and I have some other “backlog” kinda things to jump into once that’s done, so it’s not like I don’t have things prepared (and a rant that I’m making sure I’m fully satisfied with before I post it). And I’m gonna play a few new releases in December as well, including maybe looking at the 1$ game pass PC trial for some of them.

So December 2021 is a bit weird. In the sense that it actually has several interesting games. December is usually, weirdly, an off-month for game releases, with sometimes a game or two worth looking at. But this time there’s a couple cool ones actually, and this is with some big-ish games getting delayed. For December 2021, I’m listing: 8 multiplats and 4 Switch releases. I’ll probably be playing 3-4 of these games.

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, small interesting ones I may notice and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase E3 2021 live reaction

Microsoft E3 2021

Well before I watch the presentation by Microsoft, let’s quickly go over yesterday’s E3 things I didn’t post about.

Devolver Digital was right after Ubisoft… Devolver always makes something really entertaining. The games? Not particularly interesting, IMO. Some looked okay but nothing really caught my attention. The presentation? Awesome fun, extremely well made.

Then there was Gearbox. They did literally nothing. Seriously. Fuck Gearbox.

I skipped UploadVR… partly because VR is lame, partly because I think I can’t even actually use VR anymore because of the current state of my eyes… I’d need to try it, but I think the screens would be in a distance that would suck for both of my eyes.

Oh and I actually logged into the E3 app. What the fuck is even this crap? Seriously I have no idea how to use it, what a shitty app. I got out of it after 5 minutes of fiddling with menus and not understanding what anything was. Good job proving your pointlessness, E3.

So anyways, now it’s Microsoft’s turn. I’m pretty excited for this, largely because Microsoft tends to be a good place for third-parties to do announcements. And also all games here will be multiplat, which is great. Their presentations in the past few E3s have been pretty solid, even when they didn’t announce things that interested me that much. I think this should be a pretty good presentation.

So let’s go with the live reaction! I’ll be writing my thoughts live, followed at the end of the show with my overall thoughts. I’ll post the entire reaction after I’ve edited everything. And as usual this intro is written before watching.

Timer is going down. LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOO!

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