impressions tagged posts

I won’t review Monark


I had high hopes for this one, it being a game made by ex-Persona staff. So I got it at launch last week and played it a bunch in-between playing Elden Ring.

I am now 20 hours in and I’m fucking done. That puts me around the halfway mark of the game, and I feel like things are either getting worse, or I just can’t take it anymore. This is very unfortunate, but wow, this game is something else. And not in a good way.

So I am NOT reviewing it since… you know… I can’t (because I didn’t finish it… take note, “professional” reviewers), but at least I’ll give my impressions so far and explain why I’m done with it… This is as much as you’re getting from me review-wise for this one.

Let’s go!

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Sifu review/impressions



Well, I gotta say I was not expecting this. Trailers for this game weren’t very exciting, so I almost ignored it. But a few people on the twitters were putting up gameplay videos of it and I thought it actually looked better than the few trailers I had seen, so I figured I’d pick it up (plus, with the coupon deal on EGS a couple weeks back, it was 30$ Canadian around launch). Well, I fell in love with it. This game is good.

As to what this review is, I’m more willing to call it an “impressions” post rather than a review if you want. The reason is that I’m not 100% done with the game, but also there’s a bunch of games coming out very soon and if I don’t review this great game now, I might forget to do so. So it’s basically a review, but I do want to be clear that I have not gotten the true ending.

Well anyways, let’s go!

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Ziggurat 2 impressions

Ziggurat 2

Ziggurat 2

I could call this a review, but I’m not finished with it (as far as progress), I’m just done with it (as far as wanting to play any more of it). So instead I’ll call it an impressions post.

I kinda enjoyed the first Ziggurat, it’s a game I found as I was obsessed with trying to find a really good roguelite FPS, and it was an okay one. This seemed to improve some aspects of it, so… I figured I’d check it out.

Let’s see if it’s good! I may be keeping this one short.

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SaGa Frontier Remastered impressions


SaGa Frontier Remastered

This is not a full review, because I don’t think I’m in any position to actually review this. I only did 2 of the 8 stories, and I don’t feel like playing through more of it right now. That said, I still wanna talk about it. So I’m writing this as an impressions post, since I can’t review it.

I’ve been enjoying me some SaGa recently. The SaGa collection on Switch of the old Game Boy games is really fun (SaGa 2 being my favorite of that bunch), and I also semi-recently played through SaGa Scarlet Grace and I really enjoyed that game’s combat and overall weird mechanics.

Anyways, let’s talk about this one quickly.

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