mini-review tagged posts

The February 2024 gaming update

Pocket Card Jockey Ride On!

You know what? Since I’m so slow at posting reviews nowadays, why not simplify shit around this website? Instead of not putting out content at all, let’s just do possibly-monthly stuff. I’ll still do reviews for some of the more interesting shit if I manage to write them in a timely manner. But, if I don’t, I’ll just make posts like this. That way I don’t have an empty blog with nothing happening all the time.

So the plan is to just… talk about the games I’ve been playing. Say what’s been good, what’s been not good, and give a couple paragraphs about each.

Because it’s my first time doing this, I’ll include stuff from january and february. The included games this month are: Dungeons of Aether, 9 Years of Shadow, Mameda no Bakeru, Chained Echoes, Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, Palworld, Granblue Fantasy: Relink, Penny’s Big Breakaway, Pocket Card Jockey Ride On and Balatro.

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Sea of Stars mini-review

Sea of Stars

Sea of Stars

So this was something I saw a bunch of trailers for and I thought it looked pretty cool. There was a demo that I didn’t play. It was getting pretty good comments. So I figured I’d check it out.

So anyway I just finished it yesterday evening, and here’s a quick mini-review!

Let’s go! There will be very minor spoilers.

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Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart has a bad PC port at the moment – A mini-review

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

At one point, the PS5 had 2 games that were nowhere else, and that were basically the only real reasons to own a PS5, since a PS4 or PC got you basically everything it got. Well, this changed earlier this year when Returnal had a solid PC port, and that changed further last week when Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart also got a PC port. Now the PS5 only has… FFXVI, which will come out to PC later (it was announced for PC first) and Spider-Man 2 (coming later this year), which will come out to PC later (as evidenced by the previous games coming to PC later). So basically the PS5 has nothing.

I was pretty happy to see this get a PC port, because I didn’t want to get a PS5 just to play this one game. And I certainly have things to say about this game… So yeah let’s do that.

Let’s go!

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Pikmin 4 mini-review

Pikmin 4

Pikmin 4

Pikmin is one of the really interesting Nintendo series that, even though it doesn’t get THAT much love, it still gets some. It’s not like StarTropics, you know. Nintendo clearly still cares about Pikmin. And, after years of having told us Pikmin 4 was coming soon, it came out. It looked really interesting in the trailers.

So let’s see if it’s good! I think I’ll keep this simple.

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Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg mini-review

Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg

Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg

So this was a bit of a surprise announcement. The Atelier series is pretty popular nowadays but that wasn’t always the case. In fact the first 5 games in the series never made it outside of Japan (more if you want to count side games). Atelier Marie is the first game in the series and it took until now to finally get a western release.

So I grabbed it, to see where the series started. Let’s see if it’s good!

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