Necromunda: Hired Gun tagged posts

Necromunda: Hired Gun review

necromunda hired gun

necromunda hired gun

I know absolutely nothing about Warhammer 40K. I know it exists, I know there’s space marines and the name of certain races and groups in the universe, and some of the chaos gods, but that’s really just absorbing random meaningless info from people I watch on the youtubes that like it. So I didn’t go into this game as a 40K fan. I just watched some gameplay videos and it looked fun.

So let’s go and see if it was, indeed, fun!

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Games coming out in June 2021

disgaea 6

Got a few reviews posted in May, and I actually have 2 more that I’m writing right now and a few games that I’m playing as well that I’ll review… not counting all the stuff I’m getting in June. Things are going pretty great writing-wise.

So June is E3 month, and E3 isn’t being skipped this year. I already talked about how weird it is for E3 to exist anymore. I have basically no excitement for E3 or its weird app thing. But hey, there could be some fun announcements. So there’s possible hype there, maybe. I prefer to go in with zero expectations.

Other than E3, June is a pretty exciting month games-wise this year, surprisingly. I’m buying at least 7 new games, with still a few “maybe” games too. It’s actually pretty crazy. So in June we’re gonna be seeing: 11 multiplats, 6 Switch releases, 3 PS5 releases and 3 PC releases. There’s some really cool stuff here.

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, small interesting ones I may notice and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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