Neptunia Virtual Stars tagged posts

Neptunia Virtual Stars review

neptunia virtual stars

Neptunia Virtual Stars
Do you like Neptunia? Do you like Vtubers? Well boy do I have a game for you… maybe. The Neptunia series is known for its referential humor based on anime and the game industry (sometimes even being a bit funny), I guess it was only a matter of time before it jumped on the Vtuber craze. That might be a recent thing here (I have been watching Vtubers for a while but it’s only last year that I really got into it), but they have been blowing up in japan long before, so it makes sense.

Not really much to say here. Let’s just talk about this game.

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Games coming out in March 2021

I mentioned this in my intro post, this is a type of post I’ve done monthly since 2008 on my previous site The Save Points. I just highlight upcoming games, give my impressions on them based on currently-known info like trailers and demos and such. This includes games I’m interested in, games that may be/become popular whether or not I care about them, and random stuff in-between… Basically anything I feel bears mentioning for any reason. Obviously I can’t tell the future but I will try to somewhat keep this up-to-date as interesting games get release dates and remove games that get delayed at the last minute.

I also like to use these posts as a quick update thing, talk about recent and upcoming stuff, you know… I mean, I made a new site, posted several reviews, changed a bunch of things in the design and functionality of the blog, all has been going well on that end. And I got my second cataract surgery so I CAN SEE, without glasses… that’s pretty cool! I do have a bunch of reviews upcoming, right now on my currently-playing list I have Cathedral and Persona 5 Strikers and Bravely Default 2 and Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection… Curse of the Dead Gods looks kinda cool too so that’s a maybe… and there’s some stuff coming out in March that I’m getting… so I’m not running out of things to post for a while.

So March 2021… it has a couple of the year’s biggest heavy hitters. I’m counting: 11 multiplats, 4 Switch games, 1 PS5 game, 6 PC releases and 1 PS4 game. I’m buying a couple things in there, it’s a decent month.

Well, let’s go and see what March has in store for us! I was gonna post this a bit earlier but a State of Play was announced so I decided to wait, just in case something happened. Nothing happened, so no reaction post. Sony sucks. Maybe I should do a new “Sony is not a good game company” post for the lulz. Did one last year after another shitty State of Play.

*EDIT 03/01* Had to remove a PS5 game that I didn’t notice got pushed back yay!

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