Nintendo Switch tagged posts

I won’t review The Punchuin

The Punchuin

The Punchuin

Nintendo was doing these mini indie directs this week, with some news and a few releases. One that caught my eye was The Punchuin, by a company I quite enjoy, Shin’en.

So in-between work, writing my GotY post, writing my 2023 hype post (coming soon) and doing christmas-y stuff with the family, I downloaded, played and finished this game.

I have nothing to say about this game, really.. So I’m not reviewing it. And the “Games I played by didn’t review” post was already posted so OOPS.

Just quickly, it’s a puzzle game where you’re a penguin who punches blocks around, try to get them in lines of 3 of the same color. It’s okay. The gameplay is well designed, though a few levels are a bit weird about giving you the block colors you need (when I need reds and get only purples, it’s a bit annoying). The game is 2 hours long, has 2 endings, and… yeah, that’s it. I think if it was 5$ it would be an amazing deal. It’s not 5$. So I wouldn’t recommend it until there’s a sale. Not Shin’en’s best, but not a bad game.

So yeah that’s it. There’s nothing after the read more.

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I don’t want to review Dawn of the Monsters

Dawn of the Monsters

Dawn of the Monsters

I was pretty excited about this game. It looked really cool. It’s pretty okay, but by the end, I was just tired of playing it. I have 92% of the game done now and I’m not feeling like finishing it.  I don’t really have a whole review’s worth of things to say about it. So I’ll keep it quick, and vague, and I will not even have a real “read more” link.

The game is kinda fun with the deliberately slow movement/attacks (which makes sense, to simulate the kind of stuff you see in Kaiju movies… it’s not a complaint I’m actually completely fine with this) and an okay amount of okay attack options, but every level is the same thing with the same combat scenarios over and over, there’s barely any level design, and not much going on other than the fact that it’s a super cool concept that’s executed okay-ish. I like what it’s doing, but I wish it did it a bit better.

I’d recommend this one at a good discount only, as there are lots of much better recent beat ’em ups like Streets of Rage 4 or River City Girls or the Kunio-kun + Double Dragon collection. Get those before getting this one.

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