Outriders tagged posts

I don’t want to play any more Outriders



I was interested in this game when it was announced. Pretty simple reason: it’s made by People Can Fly, the same people that made Painkiller and Bulletstorm. So they have a pretty good track record for great games, Bulletstorm being one of my favorite non-DOOM FPS games.

But quickly red flags were showing up for this game. It just… looked strange. It finally ended up getting a demo. That demo… removed all possible hype for me. But I did notice some people saying it was good, and it’s possible that I just chose a character class that’s not fun to play. So with the current Epic Game Store sale and the constant 10$ coupon during the duration of the sale, this ended up being half-price. So I figured on friday that I’d grab it and it’d be my long-weekend game (it was Victoria Day weekend in Canada). And boy do I feel like I wasted my time.

Let’s go and talk about why! No, this is not a review because I’m not done with it, and I don’t want to play any more of it. If you want to treat this as a review go right ahead because this is the closest I’ll get to it.

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Games coming out in April 2021

So March wasn’t quite as busy post-wise as I was expecting, but that’s largely because some of these games took me a while to go through. I’m in the process of writing 2 reviews right now, for Cathedral and Bravely Default 2.

And I have some other stuff planned. I’m getting started on Monster Hunter Rise which is my first full-on try at an MH game (so the review will be from the perspective of a newb), I have some other games that recently came out I want to get (Kaze and the Wild Masks, Ghost ‘n Goblins Resurrection, a Record of Lodoss War metroidvania (might have to watch the anime too, I missed that one back in the day)… maybe some other stuff), there’s some older games I started playing (such as BPM and Remnant and Creature in the Well), there’s new games I want coming out in April… and I want to make every console fanboy mad so I am planning a series of posts about last-gen. Specifically the main post will be about the great games that came out in the generation, and I’m hoping to do 3 side-posts about why all the consoles sucked (the PS4 one is particularly spicy because people think that’s a good console for some reason).

So ANYWAYS, I need to stop talking about the blog for a second and actually to get to the real meat and potatoes of the post. April is in a few days and I need to do the monthly list of games coming out.

We’ve got: *12* multiplats, 2 Switch games, 1 PS5 game (whoa!) and a PC game. There’s several in there that I’m getting, just in case my current game list wasn’t big enough already.


Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, small interesting ones I may notice and such. And of course I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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