PC gaming tagged posts

I built a new PC!

The almost-done new PC

The almost-done new PC

GPU prices are down! I bought one! I built a new PC to put it in! It’s not fully done because Amazon is fucking stupid! But I can still talk about it quickly.

I never really talk about PC even though a lot of my reviews are for PC versions, and I tend to only talk about performance when there’s some weird things to note. Of course one thing this means for future reviews is that, well, anything I review will be on even better hardware… so if I notice anything bad, it means that lower-end systems will be VERY bad at running them.

So I want to talk about this quickly. Talk about the PC I got previously, about the PC I built now with how I decided on each component and such.

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PC Gaming in 2021

my PC

I love PC gaming to bits. It’s objectively better than consoles in literally every way, from controller support, to troubleshooting to performance to game library. The only thing it does worse is… it costs more if you want WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more performance… so it’s not actually worse. Heck, you could (in a regular non-stupid market) almost-realistically pay LESS than one of the current consoles and actually get pretty equivalent, or better, performance. But if you go mid-to-high-end, the consoles are basically potatoes in comparison.

That said, in 2021, things haven’t been… ideal. Namely, costs rocketed up, for EVERY semi-useable video card. To a really wild level. I was gonna put a mini-rant about PC in my GotY post, but it ended up taking a life of its own… so I’m just gonna separate that. My GotY post will focus on the console side of things, at least as far as my ranting about the big 3 console manufacturers in the industry.

So I figure… I’ve always wanted to talk about PC gaming, why not do it now! Let’s go!

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The Steam Deck is pretty meh

steam deck

steam deck

So this thing was announced yesterday. People are really excited. I was excited too, but, being me, I actually did something called “thinking” and “researching”, and… yeah, this thing… I’m not excited anymore.

So I’m gonna rant a bit about this thing. Because dammit, I don’t rant enough.

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