PC tagged posts

Spidersaurs review



A bit of a random pick-up from me, as I wasn’t super sure I wanted to pick it up… but I did. The trailers looked kinda fun. It’s obviously a take on Contra. It’s been said that it’s by the devs of Contra 4, though I’m not sure if people say that just because it’s a WayForward game, or if it’s the same actual people working on it, but either way, there’s some good possibility of them making a good game in this style since WayForward did some amazing work on Contra 4.

So let’s go and check it out!

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Rise of the Slime review

rise of the slime

rise of the slime

This game came out last year. I played the demo, thought it might be okay, put it on my wishlist, and waited over a year to get it.

I am calling this a review, but honestly I wouldn’t normally do that. But I DID finish the game, I just don’t know if there’s anything more to it because… well… read the review. I might actually be wrong about some things here.

Let’s go? This will be a short one because there’s weirdly little to talk about here.

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Little Noah: Scion of Paradise review

Little Noah: Scion of Paradise

Little Noah: Scion of Paradise

This popped up at the recent Nintendo Partner direct, as a shadow drop (and a new announcement, as far as I can find). I thought it looked fun. So I picked it up.

That’s it. That’s the intro. Let’s see if it’s good!

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Overlord: Escape from Nazarick review

Overlord: Escape from Nazarick

Overlord: Escape from Nazarick

While isekai anime is this thing that people think is just bad because there’s so much of it, Overlord happens to be one that I think is a pretty good example of the genre. It does have some of the normal points some of the really bad ones have, namely that the protagonist is overly powerful, but it handles the world itself and the goal of that main character very differently, and is overall really fun.

This game is based on the light novel/anime, but it’s something of a non-canon entry. I was curious about the metroidvania aspect of it, and the kinda-weird character choice.

Let’s see if it’s good!

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I built a new PC!

The almost-done new PC

The almost-done new PC

GPU prices are down! I bought one! I built a new PC to put it in! It’s not fully done because Amazon is fucking stupid! But I can still talk about it quickly.

I never really talk about PC even though a lot of my reviews are for PC versions, and I tend to only talk about performance when there’s some weird things to note. Of course one thing this means for future reviews is that, well, anything I review will be on even better hardware… so if I notice anything bad, it means that lower-end systems will be VERY bad at running them.

So I want to talk about this quickly. Talk about the PC I got previously, about the PC I built now with how I decided on each component and such.

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Neon White review

neon white

neon white

This was shown at a Nintendo Direct and it instantly got my attention. A fast FPS with an interesting card system for weaponry. It wasn’t entirely clear to me if it was some kind of roguelite or if it was a level-based game, but I knew I’d be getting it on release.

It got a release date during not-E3 2022, and I bought it the moment it released. Let’s see if it was worth me getting excited for it!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge review

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

I feel it’s been quite a while since we got a good Turtles game. The last I played is Mutants in Manhattan, by Platinum Games in 2016. That game sucked balls, unfortunately. This, however, is hell-bent on bringing back the classic style of TMNT games in the NES and SNES era, either from the arcades or home consoles. And it looked great in the 2 trailers I saw. And it’s Tribute Games who made good shit before. And DotEmu who has been responsible for publishing very good shit as well. So it certainly had my interest.

Let’s see if it’s good!

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Games coming out in July 2022

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

I did get a bunch of posts out in June, but I still have at least 2 reviews I was hoping to have out earlier, and I’m late on this post as well. Blah. But I will try to get the TMNT and Neon White reviews out very soon. And I’m playing a couple of other things, and this month isn’t empty, so there’s plenty for me to post still.

July does seem to have a decent amount of games. Actually less than June when it comes to sheer numbers, but there’s some good stuff here. Here I’m highlighting: 10 Multiplats, 4 Switch games, and 2 PC games. I’m probably getting 7 of these (and putting some in the maybe list).

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, small interesting ones I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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Metal Max Xeno Reborn review

Metal Max Xeno Reborn

Metal Max Xeno Reborn

I know basically nothing about the Metal Max series. I know it’s long-running, I believe originally from the Famicom. I believe the only game in the series to have made its way to the West before Xeno (and Xeno Reborn) is Metal Saga on PS2, a game I did not play (it does look pretty interesting). I know they’re these cool RPGs where you build tanks and explore a post-apocalyptic kinda world, but I never played any of them, until now. The only thing I know is that the sequel to Metal Max Xeno Reborn was just cancelled like a week ago, so that’s fun.

So anyways, let’s see what I’ve been missing, and see if this game is good! I hear it’s the worst in the series, so… yeah.

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I won’t review Souldiers



I am disappointed. I really wanted to like this game, and technically there’s a lot to like about Souldiers, but it has a lot of small issues that mount up to me… not liking it.

I’m a whole 27 hours into this game (maybe a bit less, I did keep it open a few times while eating), and I’m actually probably almost done with it, but no. I’m just tired of it.

So I will not review it, but I will talk about it. I can’t review it, because I’m not done with it, thus I can’t have a fully-formed opinion of it. But I can at least explain why I’m done with it.

So let’s go and talk about it a bit in this non-review! This will be pretty scattered, since it’s not a review, and I won’t quite go through the same kind of points I would in a review.

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