Persona 3 Reload tagged posts

Games coming out in February 2024

Ufouria: The Saga 2

Hey. So apparently I haven’t posted at all in January other than today. lol. I have a review halfway written for Mameda no Bakeru, I will get that done at some point. I also want to talk about Palworld. And I’m also playing through Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, which has a depressingly awful localization so every time someone says something in japanese and the english translation is entirely wrong (which is almost every sentence), I just feel like playing it less… so I probably won’t review that because I probably won’t finish it. Disappointing because I was really hyped for it, but the fact that I understand japanese a bit is just sucking out the fun out.

So yeah, February is a month. It has games. I’m highlighting: 14 multiplats, 3 Switch games, 3 PC games, and a PS5 temporary exclusive. I remove a few remasters from the list because they were dumb, like Dark Forces and Brothers 😀 … It might seem like there’s a decent amount of games, but I dunno, there’s not much I’m all that hyped about. I’d say 1 “for sure” and like 3 maybes.

So let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, some more niche stuff I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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2024 HYPE GAMES – Interesting upcoming games

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Okay I did my GotY post, now let’s stop looking at the past and look at the future… Hopefully 2024 brings just a bit more quality than 2023 did.

I’m just gonna do the usual, just talk about my top 6 most-hyped-for-now games, and then big lists of games I have some level of hype for, and a slightly smaller list of games that might be popular but that I don’t have hype for (some because they’re bad, some because they’re not really my thing).

So let’s go!

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Xbox Games Showcase 2023 reaction

Xbox Games Showcase 2023

Xbox Games Showcase 2023

Xbox had a presentation. It has things… So let’s talk about it! Sony’s may have sucked, but maybe Microsoft has the goods. I watched Summer Game Fest in part which was pretty lame (I mostly just skipped through it to see if any interesting announcements happened… they didn’t with a BIG maybe on Sonic), and the other presentations were so bad I didn’t even skip through them. This is why there’s no E3, because no one has shit to announce anyways, apparently. Can’t wait for Nintendo to also announce nothing. This is also why I didn’t post about anything else, but I kinda have to make an exception for the big 3, at minimum.

So let’s see if Xbox has anything at all to show. This time, I’m starting with the lowlights and slowly building up to what is certainly a ton of highlights… right? Let’s go! Oh and I guess I’ll mention Starfield in its own section since it goes it’s own section of the showcase, so it’s in none of the lowlight-highlight sections.

Let’s go?

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