platformer tagged posts

Smelter review



I saw a trailer for this about a month before it came out, and this looked really interesting. The gameplay looked to have some heavy Actraiser vibes, with it being a platformer, but having some form of RTS-ish gameplay too. So I was really excited to give this one a try.

Not much else to say for an intro, so let’s jump into it!

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Cyber Shadow review

cyber shadow

Cyber Shadow

I was really hyped for this game, I’ve been following it for a while. There’s a lot of these 8-bit-style games around but this one looked really interesting. For a second I actually mistook The Messenger for this, quickly realized they were different games… The Messenger is kinda similar but has different gameplay focuses, I recommend it too.

Let’s go and see if my hype was warranted!

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