Kinda funny to be posting this right after the Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl review… I want to be clear, Smash Ultimate is very much the better game, but Nick Brawl is a cool new alternative that has a lot of potential if Nickelodeon decide to keep it going past the first game.
Well anyways, Smash Ultimate is done. We finally got the last DLC in the second and last Fighter Pass. No more speculation, no more big updates for the game (just some possible balance patches), this is the final Smash Ultimate.
I’ve done a couple Smash-related posts on the old website, mostly speculation/wishlist stuff for the DLC, alongside my review of the game. I figure, why not talk about all the DLC characters now that they’re all released.
In my mind there’s 2 important things about DLC characters in Smash specifically: what they represent (historical importance in gaming, and to Nintendo specifically), and how they play. If they’re fun to play, that’s good. If they’re also an interesting choice as far as representing something important or interesting in gaming, that’s even better. I think most of the DLC here does at least one of those, which is good.
So I will talk about those aspects of each of the 12 DLC characters.
This is all just for fun, I do think the DLC is worth getting if you’re a Smash fan either way, though it is a bit on the expensive side (I think DLC characters should be a bit cheaper than they are, I will expand on that idea later).
Let’s go!
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