roguelite tagged posts

Gunfire Reborn review

Gunfire Reborn

Gunfire Reborn

In my Ziggurat 2 review, I noted I was gonna review another Roguelite FPS. This is one I almost tried in early access, it was pretty interesting-looking. But I try not to buy early access games, so I waited a good long while for it to come out.

Just quickly pumping this review out before I get my GotY stuff out (I want a quick “games I won’t review” kinda post, maybe another review, and of course the GotY 2021 celebration itself). Let’s go!

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Ziggurat 2 impressions

Ziggurat 2

Ziggurat 2

I could call this a review, but I’m not finished with it (as far as progress), I’m just done with it (as far as wanting to play any more of it). So instead I’ll call it an impressions post.

I kinda enjoyed the first Ziggurat, it’s a game I found as I was obsessed with trying to find a really good roguelite FPS, and it was an okay one. This seemed to improve some aspects of it, so… I figured I’d check it out.

Let’s see if it’s good! I may be keeping this one short.

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Loop Hero review

Loop Hero

Loop Hero

Been a bit slow to post reviews because I’ve been a bit slow playing through RPGs… But I’ve been playing this little thing on the side as well. And I still have other smaller games I want to get into soon.

Loop Hero I remember seeing at some event last year alongside a bunch of other Devolver Digital announcements. This was the one that was most interesting to me in that bunch, IIRC. Definitely seemed unique.

So let’s go and see if it’s good!

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