Sonic Frontiers tagged posts

I don’t think I can play any more Sonic Frontiers

Sonic Frontiers

Sonic Frontiers

I actually have 3 other reviews that I’m writing right now, taking my time on them. In the meantime, I started playing this thing and… well, this impressions post needs to take precedence.

I had no expectations for Sonic Frontiers because the marketing has been crap but some things looked okay. But I was worried when it looked like it was going for an open world angle. Because basically every open world game is shit. But I still wanted to give this a chance because, despite most post-Genesis Sonic games being bad games, I always give him a chance. I always hold hope that, one day, Sonic will be back to his former glory. Spoilers: he’s not.

After almost 6 hours of playing this game, I think I’m done. This is not a game I want to finish playing. But I still want to talk about it, so let’s do this!

This is NOT a review, since I’m not done with the game. But I won’t be done with it, so this is the most I’m putting out about this game.

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Games coming out in November 2022

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet

Okay, October wasn’t that busy as far as reviews, and I think we’re gonna be in a moment where I have to build a backlog though because there’s lots of big long games coming out soon. I also have a post of games I played but haven’t reviewed this year, I’ll post that probably in December. I’m playing the new Mario + Rabbids game now, and both Bayonetta 3 and Star Ocean are out this week, and then November is not lacking in games I’ll play and review… The problem isn’t that I don’t have games to play, it’s that I don’t have enough time to play them and review them in a timely manner.

So November… Actually a lot of games. Some big ones too. Here I’m highlighting: 13 multiplatform releases, 4 Switch releases (5 if you’re weird) and 3 PC releases. There’s 8 of these I’m buying for sure, plus a few maybes. It’s gonna be busy.

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, some more niche stuff I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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