Squeenix tagged posts

Square Enix Presents E3 2021 live reaction

Square Enix Presents Summer 2021 E3

Well I don’t have a super long time to write an intro as I just finished posting my Microsoft post. Thankfully there’s been no other presentations in-between so I don’t think there’s much to talk about before.

Squeenix’s E3 presentations have varied in quality quite a bit. Some awful, some okay, they’re very random. There’s a few rumors going for this one, might be fun to see if they’re real. Namely a Dark Souls-style FF game by Team Ninja and an FF collection for modern platforms. Also we know Babylon’s Fall will be there, I’m hyped to see more of that and hopefully a release date finally. But after getting disappointed by Microsoft I’m keeping my expectations low here.

As usual these are my “live” reactions to the event, I’m gonna edit those to make them readable and write overall thoughts at the end. Intro is written before seeing the show.

Starts in a minute so… let’s go? Maybe Squeenix will be okay. I dunno, Microsoft managed to lower my hype substantially.

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Bravely Default 2 review


Bravely Default 2

I really liked the first Bravely Default (with the job system and interesting battle system), up to a point. That point was the “twist” of how the story works in the second half (or so) of the game. At that point I ended up losing track of what I was supposed to do and eventually gave up. I didn’t play the direct sequel Bravely Second. This one is kinda like a new Final Fantasy, where it’s not really related, story-wise, to the previous games, so I was excited to check it out.

Let’s go and talk about it!

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