WarioWare: Get It Together! tagged posts

WarioWare: Get It Together! review

WarioWare: Get It Together!

WarioWare: Get It Together!

My history with WarioWare is pretty limited. The only one I’ve played is a bit of the Wii one at a friend’s place, and otherwise I have purposely avoided the series. My reasoning was pretty simplistic: I liked Wario, specifically the Wario Land series, and saw this as a joke/insult to that series. Maybe it was undeserved, but I never “liked” WarioWare, despite never really playing it.

So this is my first WarioWare. I went into it with no idea if I’d like it. I do like this team’s other series, Rhythm Heaven, but I know they’re very different games. And this seems to be a pretty different take on WarioWare too.

So let’s go! I think this will be a short one.

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Games coming out in September 2021

Tales of Arise

Well I sure didn’t post a lot since the last release list post. NEO TWEWY just took really long. And I’m playing through Great Ace Attorney right now, I’m almost done with the first game in the pack. And I didn’t get time to play that much else though there’s a bunch of games I do have on my “must-get” list. I still gotta get Blaster Master Zero 3 and Axiom Verge 2 and No More Heroes 3… And more, less “urgent” stuff… and that’s just recent ones, there’s a bunch of older stuff I eventually want to grab. And of course September has a couple games I want. I’m definitely not running out of things to review.

So this month I’m highlighting: 19 multiplats, 6 Switch games, 1 PS5 game and 2 PC games. There’s some good stuff in there too, I’m at 3-4 games I’m getting for sure, and like 5 maybes. Definitely a decent month.

*EDIT 09/10: removed a game that is not coming out this month that searching on google still has the wrong date lol*

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, small interesting ones I may notice and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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