Xbox X/S tagged posts

Kao the Kangaroo review

Kao the Kangaroo

Kao the Kangaroo

Kao the Kangaroo is one of the hundreds of Sonic rip-off characters that were a big thing basically from the Genesis to the PS2. It’s one I didn’t end up playing, and some of his games had weird releases. The second game in the series came out in Poland 2-3 years earlier than other regions, and the third one only saw a very limited Europe/Australia release, but again only some time after its Polish release. The games look fine though, I just never ended up playing any of them.

But because I’m looking for stuff to play (and Epic Game Store has 25% off almost everything right now so that reduced the price of an already cheap game), I figured I’d pick it up. So let’s see if this is good!

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Games coming out in June 2022

Pocky & Rocky Reshrined

*EDIT* Lol the title said May for a whole month

Well maybe games are about to start coming out again soon. Possibly. Despite being able to get a few reviews out, it’s been kinda quiet in the last 2 months. Also I still haven’t reviewed Gotta Protectors, I should do that. And I have another review coming up probably tomorrow. Yay.

Well June LOOKS like a bigger month than May, but it’s still kinda lacking on big badass releases. Here I’m highlighting: 19 Multiplats, 3 Switch games and 2 PC things (one of which is just a possibly-leaked date). As far as what I’m getting… probably 5 games, and 1 (or 2) DLCs.

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, small interesting ones I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising review

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes was a successful Kickstarter (so far), with that game coming out next year. It’s interesting, being a Suikoden-inspired RPG (and I think some of the original Suikoden devs are part of the team) with, as the title says, at least a hundred characters you can use to build your party. Looks cool.

Rising is a prequel to that game, which, I presume, features a few of the characters and a very small look at the world of the final game. This one is an action RPG instead.

So… yeah, let’s review this!

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Bright Memory: Infinite review

Bright Memory: Infinite

Bright Memory: Infinite

Games need to start coming out again, ASAP. I’ve been looking for stuff to play, and I’m kind of just drawing a blank as far as new stuff to play. So I kinda have to go… experimental.

So anyways I had Bright Memory: Infinite on my Steam wishlist for a while. I saw it was discounted. I knew it was a short game, but I figured it would at least give me something to do for one evening. And yeah that prediction was pretty good considering I not only finished the game but wrote this review in the same evening!

So let’s go and talk about this one… very quickly.

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Games coming out in May 2022

Seven Pirates H

Got a bunch of reviews out since the last monthly release post, that’s nice. Those were mostly for March releases though (and a game from last year). April has been a whole lot of nothing, so the only actual April 2022 game I might end up having a review for is one I didn’t even list last time because I completely missed it, that being the Gotta Protectors sequel.

May isn’t quite as dead as April, but it’s still a bit on the quieter side, with no BIG releases. There is some cool smaller stuff though. Some game companies (specifically Nintendo) seem like they might be waking up starting in June, with a bunch of games being on the way at that point. For May, I’m highlighting: 11 multiplats, 3 Switch games, and 3 PC games. And there are games I will actually get in there. I’m thinking there are 4-5 games I might get.

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, small interesting ones I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands review

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands


So I really disliked Borderlands 3. It’s the first Borderlands I didn’t play beyond finishing the final boss when 1 and 2 both got a lot of play from me (True Vault Hunter modes and playing different characters), and I even played through the pre-sequel more than once. Not only was Borderlands 3 pretty meh, but Gearbox is also an awful company that does shitty BS all the time and is led by a weirdo… So I figured I’d give them one last chance to impress me before never buying anything they do again… And what better last chance than yet another Borderlands game, this one headlined by the shittiest character in the series!

Well, let’s see how much this sucks!

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I don’t want to review Dawn of the Monsters

Dawn of the Monsters

Dawn of the Monsters

I was pretty excited about this game. It looked really cool. It’s pretty okay, but by the end, I was just tired of playing it. I have 92% of the game done now and I’m not feeling like finishing it.  I don’t really have a whole review’s worth of things to say about it. So I’ll keep it quick, and vague, and I will not even have a real “read more” link.

The game is kinda fun with the deliberately slow movement/attacks (which makes sense, to simulate the kind of stuff you see in Kaiju movies… it’s not a complaint I’m actually completely fine with this) and an okay amount of okay attack options, but every level is the same thing with the same combat scenarios over and over, there’s barely any level design, and not much going on other than the fact that it’s a super cool concept that’s executed okay-ish. I like what it’s doing, but I wish it did it a bit better.

I’d recommend this one at a good discount only, as there are lots of much better recent beat ’em ups like Streets of Rage 4 or River City Girls or the Kunio-kun + Double Dragon collection. Get those before getting this one.

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Games coming out in April 2022

Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition

Well January, February and March were quite the decent first couple months for 2022. Things are certainly calming down now, evidenced by the fact that fucking nothing is coming out in April. Game industry giving gamers time to breathe, finally. Heck, unless announcements start happening soon there’s also nothing coming out in May. Hopefully game companies actually start announcing release dates for the rest of the year because things are getting a bit empty other than some of the stuff Nintendo announced at their recent Direct.

As for me, well I just reviewed 3 pretty solid games, and I have started Ghostwire Tokyo and Kirby, and Tiny Tina’s Probably Crappy Game is downloaded, so those are getting reviews soon. I actually don’t know if I’ll be buying anything that’s coming out in April, I think there’s 2 “maybe” games… but there’s a few other 2022 games I haven’t gotten to so it’s not like I ran out of stuff to play… thankfully. And I’ll have time to catch up on anime which is nice.

April 2022 has basically nothing to highlight, so I’m trying hard to get any content here. I’m highlighting: 3 multiplats, 5 Switch games, and one game journalist Sony fanboy fail. There’s one game of note pretty much. The rest is filler. This is also a “why is this a game that actually exists” kinda month, half these releases should probably not be a thing.

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, small interesting ones I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin review

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin

Sometimes a game comes up that you have basically no expectations for, but they end up being very impressive. Stranger of Paradise is one of these. The first trailer was wacky as fuck, made kinda no sense, wasn’t a good explanation of what the game would be like, and all that people really seemed to get out of it was “CHAOS” and the slew of memes that came from that. Unfortunately for this game, this ended up not being a good thing because that’s all people think of it, and they think it’s bad because of that meme or something. It’s really weird, you mention this is a good game and people think you’re trolling. But it is good.

I actually avoided all gameplay videos and trailers for this game after the announcement because that announcement completely convinced me to buy it, because it was so weird and stupid.

So let’s go and talk about what is one of the best games this year so far! Yeah.

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Games coming out in March 2022

Chocobo GP

Well, I’m going in with this post a bit earlier than usual. The reason why is the same reason I posted my Sifu review before fully finishing it… because things are about to get WILD. Monark is out tomorrow, Elden Ring is out on Friday… and March has a LOT of games. So I’m just getting a bit ahead of the game here, basically.

For March 2022 I’m highlighting: 15 multiplats, 7 Switch games, and 2 PC releases. That number doesn’t look like anything special in a vacuum, but what IS special is what games are there.

Literally, I’m buying at least 8 of these for sure, and there are several “maybes” as well. And even some of the games I’m not interested in myself ARE huge, or look really cool but might not be something I’m that interested in. This might be one of the biggest months in gaming in YEARS.

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, small interesting ones I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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