Games coming out in August 2023

Had a few things this month, nice. I actually have 2 more maybe-mini-reviews. Not much else to talk about here, I did get like 3 or 4 tornado warnings in my area in the last month which is nice.

So August… A bit of a quiet month but there’s some games here and there. I’m highlighting: 14 multiplats, 1 Switch game and 4 PC games. As far as what I’m getting from those… I don’t know, 2 big maybes, and like 6 other smaller maybes. Not too busy a month for me.

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, some more niche stuff I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.


WrestleQuest 08/08 (Switch, PC, PS4, Xbone, PS5, Xbox X/S)

This is a wrestling turn-based RPG… looks kinda okay. It features Macho Man and some others. That’s a thing that exists.

30XX 08/09 (PC, Switch)

20XX was a pretty cool Megaman X-style Roguelite. This is a sequel that seems fairly similar but it looks like it has way more stuff to it like a level editor. Looks pretty fucking good.

Atlas Fallen 08/10 (PC, PS5, Xbox X/S)
Atlas Fallen
Atlas Fallen is a game. It features gameplay. It has big monsters and big badass magical weapons and I have no idea if this looks any good at all. Watching the big long trailers they have, it gives me a weird feel, like Monster Hunter (which is cool) mixed with some generic barely-RPG FPS thing like Destiny, which makes me wary.
I’ll try to remember to look into what people think of it once it’s out… if anyone ends up caring.

Stray 08/10 (Xbone, Xbox X/S)
The crappy cat game is coming to Xbox. Okay.

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk 08/18 (Switch, PC)
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
People have been comparing this to Jet Set Radio, but what I’m getting more is a Tony Hawk Pro Skater feel, from the gameplay. Though it does have some graffiti stuff going on too so it’s probably a mix. Looks okay, I’ll look into it.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 08/18 (PC, PS4, Xbone, PS5, Xbox X/S)

This looks like one of these Dead by Daylight-style games. There’s a “victim” team and a “Slaughter family” team. I dunno, I feel like all of these fall off after a week. No idea why they still make these.

Madden NFL 24 08/18 (PC, PS4, Xbone, PS5, Xbox X/S)
Football McFootballface.

Immortals of Aveum 08/22 (PC, PS5, Xbox X/S)
Immortals of Aveum
I’m 99% sure this was in last month’s list… Can game companies stop being shit at announcing release dates? Like seriously, just be 100% sure a date is gonna happen before announcing it.
Anyways, looks okay, I dunno, I said something about it last month.

Blasphemous 2 08/24 (Switch, PC, PS5, Xbox X/S)
Blasphemous 2
Blasphemous is a pretty cool metroidvania that I never finished. This looks cool too. Buy it, you’ll probably like it.

Retro Revengers 08/24 (Switch, PC)
Retro Revengers
This is some side-scrolling 2D game and multiple playable characters that looks pretty cool. A completely random inclusion, but there you go.

Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon 08/25 (PC, PS4, Xbone, PS5, Xbox X/S)
Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
After a bit of a Dark Souls-themed break by FromSoft, Armored Core is back. I haven’t followed this one very much other than knowing it exists, but looking at a few videos… looks fucking good. I know I’ll be bad at it, as I have been with the few other AC games I played, but yeah, buy this. Hopefully it does well.

Sea of Stars 08/29 (Switch, PC, PS4, PS5)
Sea of Stars
A SNES-like JRPG. There’s a demo out there that I have not played so I don’t know if it’s good… But the trailers have been really nice. Gives me vibes of Chrono Trigger mixed with Mario & Luigi.

Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles 08/29 (Switch, PC, PS5)
Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles
These are the 2 sequels to Rhapsody, one of Nippon Ichi Software’s earlier titles, long before they hit it big with Disgaea. While the first Rhapsody did get a release in america (twice, first on PS1 and the other was a slightly different version on the DS), but the sequels never did. So these are the first release of these. I’m only semi-familiar with these, I played a bit of the DS one, I don’t remember anything about it.
This is the type of re-releases I think is really cool though, since it’s something most people haven’t played. It’s on the maybe list for me.

Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy 08/31 (Switch, PC, PS5, Xbox X/S)
Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy
It’s a new Trine. They’re apparently still making these. The first was pretty popular, but I don’t even see people talking about this series since then. I did hear a bit about people not liking the third much, and I legit forgot there was a fourth. This looks like more of the same, it’s the same characters as the first game, and it looks like they have basically the same abilities.


Samba de Amigo: Party Central 08/29
Samba de Amigo: Party Central

This is a sequel to the classic Samba de Amigo arcade game from the 90s. Yeah I thought there were more of these, but it turns out, no. All the other releases since 1999 have been ports. Huh. Well… I’m not interested, but if you’re the one person that’s been asking for a sequel… there you go!


Baldur’s Gate III 08/03
Baldur's Gate III

It’s been 23 years, but we finally have a new Baldur’s Gate! People HAVE been playing this since it’s been in early access for a while, and it sounds like people are enjoying it. Sounds like a good time if you’re into bear sex. It’s on my maybe list.

Banchou Tactics 08/10
Banchou Tactics

This is some strategy RPG in the style of FF Tactics sort of, with that classic depiction of japanese delinquents. Visually it’s pretty cool, gameplay looks a bit slow in the videos posted on the Steam page.

En Garde! 08/16

Another random inclusion. It’s a 3D combat game that looks kind of interesting, there’s a lot of environmental stuff you can use in sword fights and stuff. Might be good, I dunno.

HoloCure – Save the Fans! 08/17

This is a totally free game made by fans of Hololive. It features deep cuts as far as references, but also it’s the best Vampire Survivor-style game that exists. This game is already available on, so this is the official Steam release that will properly self-update through Steam, and it is coming out alongside a big content update (version 0.6) that adds like 9 playable characters (Hololive Indonesia), and what looks like a base building mode of some sort which was not in the last version. This game started out great, and just got better each update.
Oh and you can transfer your save over from the release if you’ve already been playing it.

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