2023 tagged posts

Games of the Year Award 2023

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince

It’s time for the only Games of the Year awards that matter!
… Just kidding, no GotY awards matter. But I like doing them (which does, in fact, make this more relevant than the VGAs), so here we go.

I am choosing 5 winners, and then one TOP GAME OF THE YEAR winner, just to attempt at variety, and then posting all my honorable mentions which are games I liked but that weren’t GotY material. This is obviously going to be based on games I played myself (which is still over 50 games, even though I reviewed very few of those). So if there’s a game you liked and it doesn’t appear as one of my winners or honorable mentions… it’s because I didn’t play it. And I probably didn’t play it because it was obviously bad.

As far as notable games I skipped one that aren’t bad (or probably aren’t bad), there’s still a few of those. I skipped on both Like a Dragon games, Baldur’s Gate 3 (I will get it at some point), Persona 5 Tactica, Remnant 2, Hogwarts Legacy, Lies of P, Dave the Diver and probably a bunch of other games that were pretty popular and probably-good. Also didn’t play FF16 which… I’ve not been convinced it’s good, but I’m waiting for the PC version so I will review it when I do play it.

And there’s a few obviously bad games I didn’t touch, like Alan Wake 2, Starfield, Redfall and Diablo 4 (I played the beta, it was not good, so I skipped on the full game). And of course there’s some bad games I did play, like Forspoken and Sonic Superstars… or that were fairly subpar like Spongebob Cosmic Shake.

As a general rule, remakes and remasters will not make the list unless they’re substantially different from the original, but some might make it into the honorable mentions.

Anyways, time to rant quickly, then go through the winners and stuff. LET’S GO!

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Games coming out in December 2023

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince

Really didn’t have much to talk about this month. Didn’t really have a good reason to do reviews other than Mario RPG. Like, I finished Ghostrunner 2, that was okay. Almost finished Hardhat Wombat (newest game by some people who worked on Plants vs Zombies), that’s pretty fun. Played a whole lot of Mahjong Soul because I decided to be good at Mahjong and rank up (and I did). But there’s not much I really felt like posting about… Oh and I picked up Cyberpunk, maybe that’ll be okay, I’m not super sure about it yet.

So here I’m highlighting: 3 multiplats, 2 Switch releases and 1 PC release. There’s very little. One of the most hype games of the year… and that’s about it. There’s a few things I decided on purpose not to highlight, and a lot of stuff that didn’t manage to catch even a little bit of my attention…  Like, am I really supposed to highlight a shitty VR FNAF game? Fuck that, just watch the 50 videos MatPat will make out of it. Several other games I say that I don’t feel warrant the highlighting. Also Apple Arcade is not a real platform… Just a reminder.

Oh and Xbox is getting BG3, but I didn’t find a precise date so it’s not in here.

Let’s go and wonder why I bothered posting this!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, some more niche stuff I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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Games coming out in November 2023

Super Mario RPG

I put out reviews this month! And didn’t put out other stuff I wanted to! Yay! Currently playing Ghostrunner 2 and Hardhat Wombat, not sure if I’ll fully review either yet, but they’re good.

So here I’m highlighting: 20 multiplats, 3 Switch games and 1 PC game. As far as anything I’m actually buying… There’s 2 I’m getting for sure, and, like, 1 or 2 maybes. No much there. Lots of interesting stuff that I just happen to not care about.

Let’s go I guess!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, some more niche stuff I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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Games coming out in October 2023

Super Mario Bros. Wonder



Anyways, yeah, October games. September had a few posts because… stuff happened. But still haven’t gotten really any reviews out. I’ve been playing stuff, but I don’t feel like I have much to say about them. Maybe I’ll make a post of micro-reviews or something, I dunno.

So here I’m highlighting: 18 multiplats, 4 Switch games and 1 PS5 game that will come out to PC later. There’s just 1 “for sure” game for me this time, a few maybes though. I actually skipped on including a bunch of stuff because it was so obviously shitty (like that awful VR Ghostbusters game).

Let’s go I guess!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, some more niche stuff I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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Nintendo Direct September 14 2023 reaction

Well I am actually writing this intro before a Direct was even announced (today is September 10). Because it’s pretty clear we’ll get a Direct this month at the same kind of time as every September in the last 8 years, and I assume 13 or 14 for the date of the Direct (*Edit: okay it was 14, let me update the title*).

There are rumors going for this one from Pyoro, one of the only “leakers” that has actually been somewhat trustworthy so far. Namely a DK game that SEEMS to be Mario vs DK-related… hopefully it’s not one of the Minis games and actually a return to the original MvD, which was a take on Donkey Kong 94. Then one for an F-Zero game, which he is heavily hinting at being F-Zero 99 (please no). And one that seems to be hinting at a remaster of the 2 Trace Memory games (the Wii one never came out in America), or at least a Wii game and a DS game that are linked somehow. And there’s no other leaker saying anything credible. Would be funny if this Direct was the one where Pyoro lost his credibility.

My true expectation is, of course, that even a bad Direct has one or two cool things, so in the end I’ll probably have some thing to be happy about here.

Well, let’s go and watch this Direct! These are live reactions as I’m watching the Direct.

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Games coming out in July 2023

Pikmin 4

Had a few more posts this month because of the not-E3 stuff. I also planned on mini-reviews for Bat Boy and Boltgun but I’m not too sure about even doing that. They’re okay games but I feel like not much to talk about that you can’t get from watching the trailers. Also I’m playing the new Star Wars Jedi thing, I’ll probably be reviewing that, if only to complain about the PC version.

July 2023… Has a couple things. Only a few are actually big, but there’s stuff here that will be good. Here I’m highlighting: 12 multiplatform games, 3 Switch games and 2 PC games. I might actually be buying some of these. I’d say 2 of them are “for sure at launch”, and I’d say 3 or 4 maybes. Not a bad month.

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, some more niche stuff I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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Games coming out in May 2023

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Oh yeah I said I’d still do this. Yay! I’ve not been playing that much recently. I’m going through Trinity Trigger right now, it’s okay. Otherwise, playing lots of mahjong and pokemon tcg live. I’m almost done with Mega Man Battle Network 2 from Volume 1 of the MMBN collection, good shit mostly (almost to the point of getting a rant out of me… I’m thinking about it). And I got the Advance Wars thingo, that’s great though a bit more barebones than I was expecting after a year delay. I’ve been skipping games left and right, though some seem to be a good thing to skip right now. Maybe I’ll get the Jedi game later after there’s a few patches. And review coming? I dunno. I’m thinking I’ll do micro-reviews or something.

So for May 2023 we’ve got: 9 multiplats, 3 Switch games and 2 PC games. Seems like not a lot (and there’s all sorts of STUFF that don’t seem interesting enough to be worth highlighting), but there’s a few big games, including THE BIGGEST GAME OF THE YEAR. As for what I’m buying… there’s one very obvious one, which I do have pre-ordered using NSO vouchers. There’s 2 others I’m pretty sure I’ll get. And there’s a few maybes too. One of them will get a review for almost sure, we’ll see about the rest.

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, some more niche stuff I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

…I forgot to put the PS4 and Xbone releases of Hogwarts Legacy. Oh well.

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Games coming out in April 2023

Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection

Well, like I said in the previous post, I will continue doing these release posts. I’ve been actually not playing much as far as new games, and couldn’t really review anything anyways. Like, I’m near the end of Octopath 2 but I kinda got tired of it. I’m playing like 2 levels of Pizza Tower ever other week pretty much… And that’s about it though I might buy 9 Years of Shadows. There’s something I am playing, but I will do a post about it soon because… why not!

For April 2023 I’m highlighting 15 multiplats and 1 Switch games. Not much of note here but a few interesting titles. I also decided to remove some highlights, trying to be more focused on actually interesting stuff. I’m

Let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, some more niche stuff I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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Games coming out in March 2023

Resident Evil 4 remake

I’m not getting much out as far as posts recently. Somehow increasing my “games I didn’t review in 2023 post” without actually making full posts. I’m progressing through a few games. I’ll try to get some things out, there’s some games I’m playing and some games I want to play that game out in the last month-ish, but some of them are pretty long so I dunno. I’m gonna try. In the meantime, at least “games coming out soon” posts are pretty easy to do.

For March 2023 I’m highlighting: 14 multiplats, 3 Switch games and 3 PC games. It sounds like a good amount, but as far as big releases, this month is pretty quiet. There’s 2 games I’m getting. So I might be able to catch up a bit with all the other shit from february I didn’t get to and review yet.

So let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, some more niche stuff I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

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Games coming out in February 2023

Like a Dragon: Ishin!

Hey I guess I’m doing this early and will probably regret it because more dates will probably pop up soon, let’s go! January was a bit quiet review-wise, with some catching up, games I decided not to review, and one new game. Currently playing through Fire Emblem Engage which I will review (so far so good) and Forspoken just finished pre-loading (that game is not looking so hot)… not sure if I’ll review Forspoken, but I will post about it either way because big Squeenix game. And there’s still Pizza Tower and the new Spongebob I want to check out, but they might end up on the maybe list.

So February is a fucking packed month. I’m highlighting 16 multiplats, 1 Switch game, 4 PC games, and 2-3 PS5 things. There’s 4 or 5 or 6 games on my “getting for sure” list, and like 10 in my maybe list. There’s absolutely no way I’m playing all the interesting stuff that’s coming out in February, especially since I’ll still be catching up with January games. Thankfully (for now) March is a bit quieter so I should be able to get into a bunch of these.

So anyways, let’s go!

Disclaimer: I only list games that I think are worth mentioning. This includes games I’m personally interested in, games that will likely be popular, highly advertised games, some more niche stuff I may notice, and such. Not just games I care about myself, I highlight as much as I think makes sense. And of course, I can’t see the future, so I may be missing games and I may be listing games that may get delayed.

Also there’s a few cool retro re-releases like Truxton, Zero Wing and Montezuma’s Revenge.

EDIT: removed a game

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